Class Plan

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasId, MetadataStore<Plan>, StripeObjectInterface

public class Plan
extends ApiResource
implements HasId, MetadataStore<Plan>
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  Plan.Tier  
    static class  Plan.TransformUsage  

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class


    Fields inherited from class com.stripe.model.StripeObject

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)  
    static Plan create​(PlanCreateParams params)
    You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    static Plan create​(PlanCreateParams params, RequestOptions options)
    You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    static Plan create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
    You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    static Plan create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options)
    You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    Plan delete()
    Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added.
    Plan delete​(RequestOptions options)
    Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added.
    Plan delete​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
    Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added.
    Plan delete​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options)
    Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added.
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
    java.lang.Boolean getActive()
    Whether the plan is currently available for new subscriptions.
    java.lang.String getAggregateUsage()
    Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`.
    java.lang.Long getAmount()
    The amount in %s to be charged on the interval specified.
    java.math.BigDecimal getAmountDecimal()
    Same as `amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
    java.lang.String getBillingScheme()
    Describes how to compute the price per period.
    java.lang.Long getCreated()
    Time at which the object was created.
    java.lang.String getCurrency()
    Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase.
    java.lang.Boolean getDeleted()
    Always true for a deleted object.
    java.lang.String getId()
    Unique identifier for the object.
    java.lang.String getInterval()
    One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
    java.lang.Long getIntervalCount()
    The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` property) between subscription billings.
    java.lang.Boolean getLivemode()
    Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getMetadata()
    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object.
    java.lang.String getNickname()
    A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
    java.lang.String getObject()
    String representing the object's type.
    java.lang.String getProduct()
    Get id of expandable `product` object.
    Product getProductObject()
    Get expanded `product`.
    java.util.List<Plan.Tier> getTiers()
    Each element represents a pricing tier.
    java.lang.String getTiersMode()
    Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based.
    Plan.TransformUsage getTransformUsage()
    Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price.
    java.lang.Long getTrialPeriodDays()
    Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
    java.lang.String getUsageType()
    Configures how the quantity per period should be determined, can be either `metered` or `licensed`.
    int hashCode()  
    static PlanCollection list​(PlanListParams params)
    Returns a list of your plans.
    static PlanCollection list​(PlanListParams params, RequestOptions options)
    Returns a list of your plans.
    static PlanCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
    Returns a list of your plans.
    static PlanCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options)
    Returns a list of your plans.
    static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan)
    Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan, RequestOptions options)
    Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan, PlanRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options)
    Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options)
    Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    void setActive​(java.lang.Boolean active)
    Whether the plan is currently available for new subscriptions.
    void setAggregateUsage​(java.lang.String aggregateUsage)
    Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`.
    void setAmount​(java.lang.Long amount)
    The amount in %s to be charged on the interval specified.
    void setAmountDecimal​(java.math.BigDecimal amountDecimal)
    Same as `amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
    void setBillingScheme​(java.lang.String billingScheme)
    Describes how to compute the price per period.
    void setCreated​(java.lang.Long created)
    Time at which the object was created.
    void setCurrency​(java.lang.String currency)
    Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase.
    void setDeleted​(java.lang.Boolean deleted)
    Always true for a deleted object.
    void setId​(java.lang.String id)
    Unique identifier for the object.
    void setInterval​(java.lang.String interval)
    One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`.
    void setIntervalCount​(java.lang.Long intervalCount)
    The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` property) between subscription billings.
    void setLivemode​(java.lang.Boolean livemode)
    Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
    void setMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> metadata)
    Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object.
    void setNickname​(java.lang.String nickname)
    A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
    void setObject​(java.lang.String object)
    String representing the object's type.
    void setProduct​(java.lang.String id)  
    void setProductObject​(Product expandableObject)  
    void setTiers​(java.util.List<Plan.Tier> tiers)
    Each element represents a pricing tier.
    void setTiersMode​(java.lang.String tiersMode)
    Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based.
    void setTransformUsage​(Plan.TransformUsage transformUsage)
    Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price.
    void setTrialPeriodDays​(java.lang.Long trialPeriodDays)
    Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
    void setUsageType​(java.lang.String usageType)
    Configures how the quantity per period should be determined, can be either `metered` or `licensed`.
    Plan update​(PlanUpdateParams params)
    Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed.
    Plan update​(PlanUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options)
    Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed.
    Plan update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
    Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed.
    Plan update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options)
    Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed.

    Methods inherited from class com.stripe.model.StripeObject

    equals, getLastResponse, getRawJsonObject, setLastResponse, toJson, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Plan

      public Plan()
  • Method Details

    • getProduct

      public java.lang.String getProduct()
      Get id of expandable `product` object.
    • setProduct

      public void setProduct​(java.lang.String id)
    • getProductObject

      public Product getProductObject()
      Get expanded `product`.
    • setProductObject

      public void setProductObject​(Product expandableObject)
    • list

      public static PlanCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params) throws StripeException
      Returns a list of your plans.
    • list

      public static PlanCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Returns a list of your plans.
    • list

      public static PlanCollection list​(PlanListParams params) throws StripeException
      Returns a list of your plans.
    • list

      public static PlanCollection list​(PlanListParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Returns a list of your plans.
    • create

      public static Plan create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params) throws StripeException
      You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    • create

      public static Plan create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    • create

      public static Plan create​(PlanCreateParams params) throws StripeException
      You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    • create

      public static Plan create​(PlanCreateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      You can create plans using the API, or in the Stripe Dashboard.
    • retrieve

      public static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan) throws StripeException
      Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    • retrieve

      public static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    • retrieve

      public static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    • retrieve

      public static Plan retrieve​(java.lang.String plan, PlanRetrieveParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Retrieves the plan with the given ID.
    • update

      public Plan update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params) throws StripeException
      Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged. By design, you cannot change a plan’s ID, amount, currency, or billing cycle.
      Specified by:
      update in interface MetadataStore<Plan>
    • update

      public Plan update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged. By design, you cannot change a plan’s ID, amount, currency, or billing cycle.
      Specified by:
      update in interface MetadataStore<Plan>
    • update

      public Plan update​(PlanUpdateParams params) throws StripeException
      Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged. By design, you cannot change a plan’s ID, amount, currency, or billing cycle.
    • update

      public Plan update​(PlanUpdateParams params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Updates the specified plan by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided are left unchanged. By design, you cannot change a plan’s ID, amount, currency, or billing cycle.
    • delete

      public Plan delete() throws StripeException
      Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added. Existing subscribers aren’t affected.
    • delete

      public Plan delete​(RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added. Existing subscribers aren’t affected.
    • delete

      public Plan delete​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params) throws StripeException
      Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added. Existing subscribers aren’t affected.
    • delete

      public Plan delete​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params, RequestOptions options) throws StripeException
      Deleting plans means new subscribers can’t be added. Existing subscribers aren’t affected.
    • getActive

      public java.lang.Boolean getActive()
      Whether the plan is currently available for new subscriptions.
    • getAggregateUsage

      public java.lang.String getAggregateUsage()
      Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for picking the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for picking the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which picks the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.

      One of `last_during_period`, `last_ever`, `max`, or `sum`.

    • getAmount

      public java.lang.Long getAmount()
      The amount in %s to be charged on the interval specified.
    • getAmountDecimal

      public java.math.BigDecimal getAmountDecimal()
      Same as `amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
    • getBillingScheme

      public java.lang.String getBillingScheme()
      Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `amount`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for plans with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for plans with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.

      One of `per_unit`, or `tiered`.

    • getCreated

      public java.lang.Long getCreated()
      Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • getCurrency

      public java.lang.String getCurrency()
      Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
    • getDeleted

      public java.lang.Boolean getDeleted()
      Always true for a deleted object.
    • getInterval

      public java.lang.String getInterval()
      One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`. The frequency with which a subscription should be billed.
    • getIntervalCount

      public java.lang.Long getIntervalCount()
      The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` property) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
    • getLivemode

      public java.lang.Boolean getLivemode()
      Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
    • getNickname

      public java.lang.String getNickname()
      A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
    • getObject

      public java.lang.String getObject()
      String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

      Equal to `plan`.

    • getTiers

      public java.util.List<Plan.Tier> getTiers()
      Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
    • getTiersMode

      public java.lang.String getTiersMode()
      Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price, in `graduated` tiering pricing can successively change as the quantity grows.

      One of `graduated`, or `volume`.

    • getTransformUsage

      public Plan.TransformUsage getTransformUsage()
      Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
    • getTrialPeriodDays

      public java.lang.Long getTrialPeriodDays()
      Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
    • getUsageType

      public java.lang.String getUsageType()
      Configures how the quantity per period should be determined, can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` will automatically bill the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription, `metered` will aggregate the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.

      One of `licensed`, or `metered`.

    • setActive

      public void setActive​(java.lang.Boolean active)
      Whether the plan is currently available for new subscriptions.
    • setAggregateUsage

      public void setAggregateUsage​(java.lang.String aggregateUsage)
      Specifies a usage aggregation strategy for plans of `usage_type=metered`. Allowed values are `sum` for summing up all usage during a period, `last_during_period` for picking the last usage record reported within a period, `last_ever` for picking the last usage record ever (across period bounds) or `max` which picks the usage record with the maximum reported usage during a period. Defaults to `sum`.

      One of `last_during_period`, `last_ever`, `max`, or `sum`.

    • setAmount

      public void setAmount​(java.lang.Long amount)
      The amount in %s to be charged on the interval specified.
    • setAmountDecimal

      public void setAmountDecimal​(java.math.BigDecimal amountDecimal)
      Same as `amount`, but contains a decimal value with at most 12 decimal places.
    • setBillingScheme

      public void setBillingScheme​(java.lang.String billingScheme)
      Describes how to compute the price per period. Either `per_unit` or `tiered`. `per_unit` indicates that the fixed amount (specified in `amount`) will be charged per unit in `quantity` (for plans with `usage_type=licensed`), or per unit of total usage (for plans with `usage_type=metered`). `tiered` indicates that the unit pricing will be computed using a tiering strategy as defined using the `tiers` and `tiers_mode` attributes.

      One of `per_unit`, or `tiered`.

    • setCreated

      public void setCreated​(java.lang.Long created)
      Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • setCurrency

      public void setCurrency​(java.lang.String currency)
      Three-letter [ISO currency code](, in lowercase. Must be a [supported currency](
    • setDeleted

      public void setDeleted​(java.lang.Boolean deleted)
      Always true for a deleted object.
    • setId

      public void setId​(java.lang.String id)
      Unique identifier for the object.
    • setInterval

      public void setInterval​(java.lang.String interval)
      One of `day`, `week`, `month` or `year`. The frequency with which a subscription should be billed.
    • setIntervalCount

      public void setIntervalCount​(java.lang.Long intervalCount)
      The number of intervals (specified in the `interval` property) between subscription billings. For example, `interval=month` and `interval_count=3` bills every 3 months.
    • setLivemode

      public void setLivemode​(java.lang.Boolean livemode)
      Has the value `true` if the object exists in live mode or the value `false` if the object exists in test mode.
    • setMetadata

      public void setMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> metadata)
      Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
    • setNickname

      public void setNickname​(java.lang.String nickname)
      A brief description of the plan, hidden from customers.
    • setObject

      public void setObject​(java.lang.String object)
      String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

      Equal to `plan`.

    • setTiers

      public void setTiers​(java.util.List<Plan.Tier> tiers)
      Each element represents a pricing tier. This parameter requires `billing_scheme` to be set to `tiered`. See also the documentation for `billing_scheme`.
    • setTiersMode

      public void setTiersMode​(java.lang.String tiersMode)
      Defines if the tiering price should be `graduated` or `volume` based. In `volume`-based tiering, the maximum quantity within a period determines the per unit price, in `graduated` tiering pricing can successively change as the quantity grows.

      One of `graduated`, or `volume`.

    • setTransformUsage

      public void setTransformUsage​(Plan.TransformUsage transformUsage)
      Apply a transformation to the reported usage or set quantity before computing the billed price. Cannot be combined with `tiers`.
    • setTrialPeriodDays

      public void setTrialPeriodDays​(java.lang.Long trialPeriodDays)
      Default number of trial days when subscribing a customer to this plan using [`trial_from_plan=true`](
    • setUsageType

      public void setUsageType​(java.lang.String usageType)
      Configures how the quantity per period should be determined, can be either `metered` or `licensed`. `licensed` will automatically bill the `quantity` set when adding it to a subscription, `metered` will aggregate the total usage based on usage records. Defaults to `licensed`.

      One of `licensed`, or `metered`.

    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • getId

      public java.lang.String getId()
      Unique identifier for the object.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface HasId
    • getMetadata

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getMetadata()
      Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
      Specified by:
      getMetadata in interface MetadataStore<Plan>