Class ExchangeRate

    • Constructor Detail

      • ExchangeRate

        public ExchangeRate()
    • Method Detail

      • list

        public static ExchangeRateCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                                           throws StripeException
        Returns a list of objects that contain the rates at which foreign currencies are converted to one another. Only shows the currencies for which Stripe supports.
      • list

        public static ExchangeRateCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                                  RequestOptions options)
                                           throws StripeException
        Returns a list of objects that contain the rates at which foreign currencies are converted to one another. Only shows the currencies for which Stripe supports.
      • retrieve

        public static ExchangeRate retrieve​(java.lang.String rateId,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                            RequestOptions options)
                                     throws StripeException
        Retrieves the exchange rates from the given currency to every supported currency.
      • getObject

        public java.lang.String getObject()
        String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

        Equal to exchange_rate.

      • getRates

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.math.BigDecimal> getRates()
        Hash where the keys are supported currencies and the values are the exchange rate at which the base id currency converts to the key currency.
      • setId

        public void setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Unique identifier for the object. Represented as the three-letter ISO currency code in lowercase.
      • setObject

        public void setObject​(java.lang.String object)
        String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

        Equal to exchange_rate.

      • setRates

        public void setRates​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.math.BigDecimal> rates)
        Hash where the keys are supported currencies and the values are the exchange rate at which the base id currency converts to the key currency.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        Unique identifier for the object. Represented as the three-letter ISO currency code in lowercase.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface HasId