Class Card

    • Constructor Detail

      • Card

        public Card()
    • Method Detail

      • getAccount

        public java.lang.String getAccount()
        Get ID of expandable account object.
      • setAccount

        public void setAccount​(java.lang.String id)
      • getAccountObject

        public Account getAccountObject()
        Get expanded account.
      • setAccountObject

        public void setAccountObject​(Account expandableObject)
      • getCustomer

        public java.lang.String getCustomer()
        Get ID of expandable customer object.
      • setCustomer

        public void setCustomer​(java.lang.String id)
      • getCustomerObject

        public Customer getCustomerObject()
        Get expanded customer.
      • setCustomerObject

        public void setCustomerObject​(Customer expandableObject)
      • getRecipient

        public java.lang.String getRecipient()
        Get ID of expandable recipient object.
      • setRecipient

        public void setRecipient​(java.lang.String id)
      • getRecipientObject

        public Recipient getRecipientObject()
        Get expanded recipient.
      • setRecipientObject

        public void setRecipientObject​(Recipient expandableObject)
      • update

        public Card update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                    throws StripeException
        If you need to update only some card details, like the billing address or expiration date, you can do so without having to re-enter the full card details. Stripe also works directly with card networks so that your customers can continue using your service without interruption.

        Updates a specified card for a given customer.

        Specified by:
        update in interface ExternalAccount
        Specified by:
        update in interface MetadataStore<Card>
      • update

        public Card update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                           RequestOptions options)
                    throws StripeException
        If you need to update only some card details, like the billing address or expiration date, you can do so without having to re-enter the full card details. Stripe also works directly with card networks so that your customers can continue using your service without interruption.

        Updates a specified card for a given customer.

        Specified by:
        update in interface ExternalAccount
        Specified by:
        update in interface MetadataStore<Card>
      • update

        public Card update​(CardUpdateOnAccountParams params)
                    throws StripeException
        If you need to update only some card details, like the billing address or expiration date, you can do so without having to re-enter the full card details. Stripe also works directly with card networks so that your customers can continue using your service without interruption.

        Updates a specified card for a given customer.

      • update

        public Card update​(CardUpdateOnCustomerParams params)
                    throws StripeException
        If you need to update only some card details, like the billing address or expiration date, you can do so without having to re-enter the full card details. Stripe also works directly with card networks so that your customers can continue using your service without interruption.

        Updates a specified card for a given customer.

      • delete

        public Card delete​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                    throws StripeException
        Delete a specified external account for a given account.

        Delete a specified source for a given customer.

        Specified by:
        delete in interface ExternalAccount
      • getAddressCity

        public java.lang.String getAddressCity()
      • getAddressCountry

        public java.lang.String getAddressCountry()
        Billing address country, if provided when creating card.
      • getAddressLine1

        public java.lang.String getAddressLine1()
        Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
      • getAddressLine1Check

        public java.lang.String getAddressLine1Check()
        If address_line1 was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked.
      • getAddressLine2

        public java.lang.String getAddressLine2()
        Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
      • getAddressState

        public java.lang.String getAddressState()
      • getAddressZip

        public java.lang.String getAddressZip()
        ZIP or postal code.
      • getAddressZipCheck

        public java.lang.String getAddressZipCheck()
        If address_zip was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked.
      • getAvailablePayoutMethods

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAvailablePayoutMethods()
        A set of available payout methods for this card. Only values from this set should be passed as the method when creating a payout.
      • getBrand

        public java.lang.String getBrand()
        Card brand. Can be American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay, Visa, or Unknown.
      • getCountry

        public java.lang.String getCountry()
        Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
      • getCurrency

        public java.lang.String getCurrency()
        Three-letter ISO code for currency. Only applicable on accounts (not customers or recipients). The card can be used as a transfer destination for funds in this currency.
      • getCvcCheck

        public java.lang.String getCvcCheck()
        If a CVC was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. A result of unchecked indicates that CVC was provided but hasn't been checked yet. Checks are typically performed when attaching a card to a Customer object, or when creating a charge. For more details, see Check if a card is valid without a charge.
      • getDefaultForCurrency

        public java.lang.Boolean getDefaultForCurrency()
        Whether this card is the default external account for its currency.
      • getDeleted

        public java.lang.Boolean getDeleted()
        Always true for a deleted object.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        A high-level description of the type of cards issued in this range. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
      • getDynamicLast4

        public java.lang.String getDynamicLast4()
        (For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number.
      • getExpMonth

        public java.lang.Long getExpMonth()
        Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
      • getExpYear

        public java.lang.Long getExpYear()
        Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
      • getFingerprint

        public java.lang.String getFingerprint()
        Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.

        Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.

      • getFunding

        public java.lang.String getFunding()
        Card funding type. Can be credit, debit, prepaid, or unknown.
      • getIin

        public java.lang.String getIin()
        Issuer identification number of the card. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
      • getIssuer

        public java.lang.String getIssuer()
        The name of the card's issuing bank. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
      • getLast4

        public java.lang.String getLast4()
        The last four digits of the card.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Cardholder name.
      • getObject

        public java.lang.String getObject()
        String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

        Equal to card.

      • getTokenizationMethod

        public java.lang.String getTokenizationMethod()
        If the card number is tokenized, this is the method that was used. Can be android_pay (includes Google Pay), apple_pay, masterpass, visa_checkout, or null.
      • setAddressCity

        public void setAddressCity​(java.lang.String addressCity)
      • setAddressCountry

        public void setAddressCountry​(java.lang.String addressCountry)
        Billing address country, if provided when creating card.
      • setAddressLine1

        public void setAddressLine1​(java.lang.String addressLine1)
        Address line 1 (Street address/PO Box/Company name).
      • setAddressLine1Check

        public void setAddressLine1Check​(java.lang.String addressLine1Check)
        If address_line1 was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked.
      • setAddressLine2

        public void setAddressLine2​(java.lang.String addressLine2)
        Address line 2 (Apartment/Suite/Unit/Building).
      • setAddressState

        public void setAddressState​(java.lang.String addressState)
      • setAddressZip

        public void setAddressZip​(java.lang.String addressZip)
        ZIP or postal code.
      • setAddressZipCheck

        public void setAddressZipCheck​(java.lang.String addressZipCheck)
        If address_zip was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked.
      • setAvailablePayoutMethods

        public void setAvailablePayoutMethods​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> availablePayoutMethods)
        A set of available payout methods for this card. Only values from this set should be passed as the method when creating a payout.
      • setBrand

        public void setBrand​(java.lang.String brand)
        Card brand. Can be American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay, Visa, or Unknown.
      • setCountry

        public void setCountry​(java.lang.String country)
        Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. You could use this attribute to get a sense of the international breakdown of cards you've collected.
      • setCurrency

        public void setCurrency​(java.lang.String currency)
        Three-letter ISO code for currency. Only applicable on accounts (not customers or recipients). The card can be used as a transfer destination for funds in this currency.
      • setCvcCheck

        public void setCvcCheck​(java.lang.String cvcCheck)
        If a CVC was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. A result of unchecked indicates that CVC was provided but hasn't been checked yet. Checks are typically performed when attaching a card to a Customer object, or when creating a charge. For more details, see Check if a card is valid without a charge.
      • setDefaultForCurrency

        public void setDefaultForCurrency​(java.lang.Boolean defaultForCurrency)
        Whether this card is the default external account for its currency.
      • setDeleted

        public void setDeleted​(java.lang.Boolean deleted)
        Always true for a deleted object.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        A high-level description of the type of cards issued in this range. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
      • setDynamicLast4

        public void setDynamicLast4​(java.lang.String dynamicLast4)
        (For tokenized numbers only.) The last four digits of the device account number.
      • setExpMonth

        public void setExpMonth​(java.lang.Long expMonth)
        Two-digit number representing the card's expiration month.
      • setExpYear

        public void setExpYear​(java.lang.Long expYear)
        Four-digit number representing the card's expiration year.
      • setFingerprint

        public void setFingerprint​(java.lang.String fingerprint)
        Uniquely identifies this particular card number. You can use this attribute to check whether two customers who’ve signed up with you are using the same card number, for example. For payment methods that tokenize card information (Apple Pay, Google Pay), the tokenized number might be provided instead of the underlying card number.

        Starting May 1, 2021, card fingerprint in India for Connect will change to allow two fingerprints for the same card --- one for India and one for the rest of the world.

      • setFunding

        public void setFunding​(java.lang.String funding)
        Card funding type. Can be credit, debit, prepaid, or unknown.
      • setId

        public void setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Unique identifier for the object.
      • setIin

        public void setIin​(java.lang.String iin)
        Issuer identification number of the card. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
      • setIssuer

        public void setIssuer​(java.lang.String issuer)
        The name of the card's issuing bank. (For internal use only and not typically available in standard API requests.)
      • setLast4

        public void setLast4​(java.lang.String last4)
        The last four digits of the card.
      • setMetadata

        public void setMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> metadata)
        Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
        Cardholder name.
      • setObject

        public void setObject​(java.lang.String object)
        String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

        Equal to card.

      • setTokenizationMethod

        public void setTokenizationMethod​(java.lang.String tokenizationMethod)
        If the card number is tokenized, this is the method that was used. Can be android_pay (includes Google Pay), apple_pay, masterpass, visa_checkout, or null.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        Unique identifier for the object.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface HasId
      • getMetadata

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getMetadata()
        Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
        Specified by:
        getMetadata in interface MetadataStore<Card>