Class RefundCollection

    • Constructor Detail

      • RefundCollection

        public RefundCollection()
    • Method Detail

      • list

        public RefundCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                              throws StripeException
        You can see a list of the refunds belonging to a specific charge. Note that the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the charge object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional refunds.
      • list

        public RefundCollection list​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                     RequestOptions options)
                              throws StripeException
        You can see a list of the refunds belonging to a specific charge. Note that the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the charge object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional refunds.
      • list

        public RefundCollection list​(RefundCollectionListParams params)
                              throws StripeException
        You can see a list of the refunds belonging to a specific charge. Note that the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the charge object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional refunds.
      • list

        public RefundCollection list​(RefundCollectionListParams params,
                                     RequestOptions options)
                              throws StripeException
        You can see a list of the refunds belonging to a specific charge. Note that the 10 most recent refunds are always available by default on the charge object. If you need more than those 10, you can use this API method and the limit and starting_after parameters to page through additional refunds.