Class PaymentIntent

    • Constructor Detail

      • PaymentIntent

        public PaymentIntent()
    • Method Detail

      • getApplication

        public java.lang.String getApplication()
        Get ID of expandable application object.
      • setApplication

        public void setApplication​(java.lang.String id)
      • getApplicationObject

        public Application getApplicationObject()
        Get expanded application.
      • setApplicationObject

        public void setApplicationObject​(Application expandableObject)
      • getCustomer

        public java.lang.String getCustomer()
        Get ID of expandable customer object.
      • setCustomer

        public void setCustomer​(java.lang.String id)
      • getCustomerObject

        public Customer getCustomerObject()
        Get expanded customer.
      • setCustomerObject

        public void setCustomerObject​(Customer expandableObject)
      • getInvoice

        public java.lang.String getInvoice()
        Get ID of expandable invoice object.
      • setInvoice

        public void setInvoice​(java.lang.String id)
      • getInvoiceObject

        public Invoice getInvoiceObject()
        Get expanded invoice.
      • setInvoiceObject

        public void setInvoiceObject​(Invoice expandableObject)
      • getOnBehalfOf

        public java.lang.String getOnBehalfOf()
        Get ID of expandable onBehalfOf object.
      • setOnBehalfOf

        public void setOnBehalfOf​(java.lang.String id)
      • getOnBehalfOfObject

        public Account getOnBehalfOfObject()
        Get expanded onBehalfOf.
      • setOnBehalfOfObject

        public void setOnBehalfOfObject​(Account expandableObject)
      • getPaymentMethod

        public java.lang.String getPaymentMethod()
        Get ID of expandable paymentMethod object.
      • setPaymentMethod

        public void setPaymentMethod​(java.lang.String id)
      • getPaymentMethodObject

        public PaymentMethod getPaymentMethodObject()
        Get expanded paymentMethod.
      • setPaymentMethodObject

        public void setPaymentMethodObject​(PaymentMethod expandableObject)
      • getReview

        public java.lang.String getReview()
        Get ID of expandable review object.
      • setReview

        public void setReview​(java.lang.String id)
      • getReviewObject

        public Review getReviewObject()
        Get expanded review.
      • setReviewObject

        public void setReviewObject​(Review expandableObject)
      • getSource

        public java.lang.String getSource()
        Get ID of expandable source object.
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(java.lang.String id)
      • getSourceObject

        public PaymentSource getSourceObject()
        Get expanded source.
      • setSourceObject

        public void setSourceObject​(PaymentSource expandableObject)
      • create

        public static PaymentIntent create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                                    throws StripeException
        Creates a PaymentIntent object.

        After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment. You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.

        When confirm=true is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when confirm=true is supplied.

      • create

        public static PaymentIntent create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                           RequestOptions options)
                                    throws StripeException
        Creates a PaymentIntent object.

        After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment. You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.

        When confirm=true is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when confirm=true is supplied.

      • create

        public static PaymentIntent create​(PaymentIntentCreateParams params)
                                    throws StripeException
        Creates a PaymentIntent object.

        After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment. You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.

        When confirm=true is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when confirm=true is supplied.

      • create

        public static PaymentIntent create​(PaymentIntentCreateParams params,
                                           RequestOptions options)
                                    throws StripeException
        Creates a PaymentIntent object.

        After the PaymentIntent is created, attach a payment method and confirm to continue the payment. You can read more about the different payment flows available via the Payment Intents API here.

        When confirm=true is used during creation, it is equivalent to creating and confirming the PaymentIntent in the same call. You may use any parameters available in the confirm API when confirm=true is supplied.

      • retrieve

        public static PaymentIntent retrieve​(java.lang.String intent)
                                      throws StripeException
        Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.

        Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the client_secret is provided in the query string.

        When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please refer to the payment intent object reference for more details.

      • retrieve

        public static PaymentIntent retrieve​(java.lang.String intent,
                                             RequestOptions options)
                                      throws StripeException
        Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.

        Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the client_secret is provided in the query string.

        When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please refer to the payment intent object reference for more details.

      • retrieve

        public static PaymentIntent retrieve​(java.lang.String intent,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                             RequestOptions options)
                                      throws StripeException
        Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.

        Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the client_secret is provided in the query string.

        When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please refer to the payment intent object reference for more details.

      • retrieve

        public static PaymentIntent retrieve​(java.lang.String intent,
                                             PaymentIntentRetrieveParams params,
                                             RequestOptions options)
                                      throws StripeException
        Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.

        Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the client_secret is provided in the query string.

        When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please refer to the payment intent object reference for more details.

      • update

        public PaymentIntent update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                             throws StripeException
        Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.

        Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again. For example, updating the payment_method will always require you to confirm the PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend updating properties via the confirm API instead.

        Specified by:
        update in interface MetadataStore<PaymentIntent>
      • update

        public PaymentIntent update​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                    RequestOptions options)
                             throws StripeException
        Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.

        Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again. For example, updating the payment_method will always require you to confirm the PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend updating properties via the confirm API instead.

        Specified by:
        update in interface MetadataStore<PaymentIntent>
      • update

        public PaymentIntent update​(PaymentIntentUpdateParams params)
                             throws StripeException
        Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.

        Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again. For example, updating the payment_method will always require you to confirm the PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend updating properties via the confirm API instead.

      • update

        public PaymentIntent update​(PaymentIntentUpdateParams params,
                                    RequestOptions options)
                             throws StripeException
        Updates properties on a PaymentIntent object without confirming.

        Depending on which properties you update, you may need to confirm the PaymentIntent again. For example, updating the payment_method will always require you to confirm the PaymentIntent again. If you prefer to update and confirm at the same time, we recommend updating properties via the confirm API instead.

      • confirm

        public PaymentIntent confirm()
                              throws StripeException
        Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

        If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

        If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

        If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation to learn more about manual confirmation.

      • confirm

        public PaymentIntent confirm​(RequestOptions options)
                              throws StripeException
        Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

        If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

        If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

        If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation to learn more about manual confirmation.

      • confirm

        public PaymentIntent confirm​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                              throws StripeException
        Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

        If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

        If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

        If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation to learn more about manual confirmation.

      • confirm

        public PaymentIntent confirm​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                     RequestOptions options)
                              throws StripeException
        Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

        If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

        If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

        If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation to learn more about manual confirmation.

      • confirm

        public PaymentIntent confirm​(PaymentIntentConfirmParams params)
                              throws StripeException
        Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

        If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

        If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

        If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation to learn more about manual confirmation.

      • confirm

        public PaymentIntent confirm​(PaymentIntentConfirmParams params,
                                     RequestOptions options)
                              throws StripeException
        Confirm that your customer intends to pay with current or provided payment method. Upon confirmation, the PaymentIntent will attempt to initiate a payment.

        If the selected payment method requires additional authentication steps, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_action status and suggest additional actions via next_action. If payment fails, the PaymentIntent will transition to the requires_payment_method status. If payment succeeds, the PaymentIntent will transition to the succeeded status (or requires_capture, if capture_method is set to manual).

        If the confirmation_method is automatic, payment may be attempted using our client SDKs and the PaymentIntent’s client_secret. After next_actions are handled by the client, no additional confirmation is required to complete the payment.

        If the confirmation_method is manual, all payment attempts must be initiated using a secret key. If any actions are required for the payment, the PaymentIntent will return to the requires_confirmation state after those actions are completed. Your server needs to then explicitly re-confirm the PaymentIntent to initiate the next payment attempt. Read the expanded documentation to learn more about manual confirmation.

      • cancel

        public PaymentIntent cancel()
                             throws StripeException
        A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation , requires_action, or processing.

        Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status=’requires_capture’, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

      • cancel

        public PaymentIntent cancel​(RequestOptions options)
                             throws StripeException
        A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation , requires_action, or processing.

        Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status=’requires_capture’, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

      • cancel

        public PaymentIntent cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                             throws StripeException
        A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation , requires_action, or processing.

        Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status=’requires_capture’, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

      • cancel

        public PaymentIntent cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params,
                                    RequestOptions options)
                             throws StripeException
        A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation , requires_action, or processing.

        Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status=’requires_capture’, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

      • cancel

        public PaymentIntent cancel​(PaymentIntentCancelParams params)
                             throws StripeException
        A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation , requires_action, or processing.

        Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status=’requires_capture’, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

      • cancel

        public PaymentIntent cancel​(PaymentIntentCancelParams params,
                                    RequestOptions options)
                             throws StripeException
        A PaymentIntent object can be canceled when it is in one of these statuses: requires_payment_method, requires_capture, requires_confirmation , requires_action, or processing.

        Once canceled, no additional charges will be made by the PaymentIntent and any operations on the PaymentIntent will fail with an error. For PaymentIntents with status=’requires_capture’, the remaining amount_capturable will automatically be refunded.

      • capture

        public PaymentIntent capture​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> params)
                              throws StripeException
        Capture the funds of an existing uncaptured PaymentIntent when its status is requires_capture.

        Uncaptured PaymentIntents will be canceled a set number of days after they are created (7 by default).

        Learn more about separate authorization and capture.

      • getAmount

        public java.lang.Long getAmount()
        Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
      • getAmountCapturable

        public java.lang.Long getAmountCapturable()
        Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent.
      • getAmountReceived

        public java.lang.Long getAmountReceived()
        Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent.
      • getApplicationFeeAmount

        public java.lang.Long getApplicationFeeAmount()
        The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts.
      • getCanceledAt

        public java.lang.Long getCanceledAt()
        Populated when status is canceled, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
      • getCancellationReason

        public java.lang.String getCancellationReason()
        Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned) or generated by Stripe internally (failed_invoice, void_invoice, or automatic).

        One of abandoned, automatic, duplicate, failed_invoice, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or void_invoice.

      • getCaptureMethod

        public java.lang.String getCaptureMethod()
        Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.

        One of automatic, or manual.

      • getCharges

        public ChargeCollection getCharges()
        Charges that were created by this PaymentIntent, if any.
      • getClientSecret

        public java.lang.String getClientSecret()
        The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.

        The client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, embedded in URLs, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.

        Refer to our docs to accept a payment and learn about how client_secret should be handled.

      • getConfirmationMethod

        public java.lang.String getConfirmationMethod()
      • getCreated

        public java.lang.Long getCreated()
        Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
      • getLastPaymentError

        public StripeError getLastPaymentError()
        The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation. It will be cleared if the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason.
      • getLivemode

        public java.lang.Boolean getLivemode()
        Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.
      • getNextAction

        public PaymentIntent.NextAction getNextAction()
        If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.
      • getObject

        public java.lang.String getObject()
        String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

        Equal to payment_intent.

      • getPaymentMethodTypes

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPaymentMethodTypes()
        The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use.
      • getProcessing

        public PaymentIntent.Processing getProcessing()
        If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment.
      • getReceiptEmail

        public java.lang.String getReceiptEmail()
        Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If receipt_email is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your email settings.
      • getSetupFutureUsage

        public java.lang.String getSetupFutureUsage()
        Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.

        Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.

        When processing card payments, Stripe also uses setup_future_usage to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.

        One of off_session, or on_session.

      • getShipping

        public ShippingDetails getShipping()
        Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
      • getStatementDescriptor

        public java.lang.String getStatementDescriptor()
        For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers’ statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
      • getStatementDescriptorSuffix

        public java.lang.String getStatementDescriptorSuffix()
        Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
      • getStatus

        public java.lang.String getStatus()
        Status of this PaymentIntent, one of requires_payment_method, requires_confirmation, requires_action, processing, requires_capture, canceled, or succeeded. Read more about each PaymentIntent status.
      • getTransferGroup

        public java.lang.String getTransferGroup()
        A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts for details.
      • setAmount

        public void setAmount​(java.lang.Long amount)
        Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. A positive integer representing how much to charge in the smallest currency unit (e.g., 100 cents to charge $1.00 or 100 to charge ¥100, a zero-decimal currency). The minimum amount is $0.50 US or equivalent in charge currency. The amount value supports up to eight digits (e.g., a value of 99999999 for a USD charge of $999,999.99).
      • setAmountCapturable

        public void setAmountCapturable​(java.lang.Long amountCapturable)
        Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent.
      • setAmountReceived

        public void setAmountReceived​(java.lang.Long amountReceived)
        Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent.
      • setApplicationFeeAmount

        public void setApplicationFeeAmount​(java.lang.Long applicationFeeAmount)
        The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. The amount of the application fee collected will be capped at the total payment amount. For more information, see the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts.
      • setCanceledAt

        public void setCanceledAt​(java.lang.Long canceledAt)
        Populated when status is canceled, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
      • setCancellationReason

        public void setCancellationReason​(java.lang.String cancellationReason)
        Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned) or generated by Stripe internally (failed_invoice, void_invoice, or automatic).

        One of abandoned, automatic, duplicate, failed_invoice, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or void_invoice.

      • setCaptureMethod

        public void setCaptureMethod​(java.lang.String captureMethod)
        Controls when the funds will be captured from the customer's account.

        One of automatic, or manual.

      • setCharges

        public void setCharges​(ChargeCollection charges)
        Charges that were created by this PaymentIntent, if any.
      • setClientSecret

        public void setClientSecret​(java.lang.String clientSecret)
        The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key.

        The client secret can be used to complete a payment from your frontend. It should not be stored, logged, embedded in URLs, or exposed to anyone other than the customer. Make sure that you have TLS enabled on any page that includes the client secret.

        Refer to our docs to accept a payment and learn about how client_secret should be handled.

      • setConfirmationMethod

        public void setConfirmationMethod​(java.lang.String confirmationMethod)
      • setCreated

        public void setCreated​(java.lang.Long created)
        Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
        An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
      • setId

        public void setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Unique identifier for the object.
      • setLastPaymentError

        public void setLastPaymentError​(StripeError lastPaymentError)
        The payment error encountered in the previous PaymentIntent confirmation. It will be cleared if the PaymentIntent is later updated for any reason.
      • setLivemode

        public void setLivemode​(java.lang.Boolean livemode)
        Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.
      • setMetadata

        public void setMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> metadata)
        Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. For more information, see the documentation.
      • setNextAction

        public void setNextAction​(PaymentIntent.NextAction nextAction)
        If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source.
      • setObject

        public void setObject​(java.lang.String object)
        String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.

        Equal to payment_intent.

      • setPaymentMethodOptions

        public void setPaymentMethodOptions​(PaymentIntent.PaymentMethodOptions paymentMethodOptions)
        Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent.
      • setPaymentMethodTypes

        public void setPaymentMethodTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> paymentMethodTypes)
        The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use.
      • setProcessing

        public void setProcessing​(PaymentIntent.Processing processing)
        If present, this property tells you about the processing state of the payment.
      • setReceiptEmail

        public void setReceiptEmail​(java.lang.String receiptEmail)
        Email address that the receipt for the resulting payment will be sent to. If receipt_email is specified for a payment in live mode, a receipt will be sent regardless of your email settings.
      • setSetupFutureUsage

        public void setSetupFutureUsage​(java.lang.String setupFutureUsage)
        Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntent's payment method.

        Providing this parameter will attach the payment method to the PaymentIntent's Customer, if present, after the PaymentIntent is confirmed and any required actions from the user are complete. If no Customer was provided, the payment method can still be attached to a Customer after the transaction completes.

        When processing card payments, Stripe also uses setup_future_usage to dynamically optimize your payment flow and comply with regional legislation and network rules, such as SCA.

        One of off_session, or on_session.

      • setShipping

        public void setShipping​(ShippingDetails shipping)
        Shipping information for this PaymentIntent.
      • setStatementDescriptor

        public void setStatementDescriptor​(java.lang.String statementDescriptor)
        For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers’ statements. Must contain at least one letter, maximum 22 characters.
      • setStatementDescriptorSuffix

        public void setStatementDescriptorSuffix​(java.lang.String statementDescriptorSuffix)
        Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. Concatenated with the prefix (shortened descriptor) or statement descriptor that’s set on the account to form the complete statement descriptor. Maximum 22 characters for the concatenated descriptor.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(java.lang.String status)
        Status of this PaymentIntent, one of requires_payment_method, requires_confirmation, requires_action, processing, requires_capture, canceled, or succeeded. Read more about each PaymentIntent status.
      • setTransferGroup

        public void setTransferGroup​(java.lang.String transferGroup)
        A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts for details.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(java.lang.Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        Unique identifier for the object.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface HasId
      • getMetadata

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getMetadata()
        Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. For more information, see the documentation.
        Specified by:
        getMetadata in interface MetadataStore<PaymentIntent>