Class DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • setAccessActivityLog

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setAccessActivityLog​(java.lang.String accessActivityLog)
        Any server or activity logs showing proof that the customer accessed or downloaded the purchased digital product. This information should include IP addresses, corresponding timestamps, and any detailed recorded activity. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setAccessActivityLog

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setAccessActivityLog​(EmptyParam accessActivityLog)
        Any server or activity logs showing proof that the customer accessed or downloaded the purchased digital product. This information should include IP addresses, corresponding timestamps, and any detailed recorded activity. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setCancellationPolicyDisclosure

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCancellationPolicyDisclosure​(java.lang.String cancellationPolicyDisclosure)
        An explanation of how and when the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setCancellationPolicyDisclosure

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCancellationPolicyDisclosure​(EmptyParam cancellationPolicyDisclosure)
        An explanation of how and when the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setCancellationRebuttal

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCancellationRebuttal​(java.lang.String cancellationRebuttal)
        A justification for why the customer's subscription was not canceled. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setCancellationRebuttal

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCancellationRebuttal​(EmptyParam cancellationRebuttal)
        A justification for why the customer's subscription was not canceled. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setCustomerCommunication

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCustomerCommunication​(java.lang.String customerCommunication)
        (ID of a file upload) Any communication with the customer that you feel is relevant to your case. Examples include emails proving that the customer received the product or service, or demonstrating their use of or satisfaction with the product or service.
      • setCustomerCommunication

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCustomerCommunication​(EmptyParam customerCommunication)
        (ID of a file upload) Any communication with the customer that you feel is relevant to your case. Examples include emails proving that the customer received the product or service, or demonstrating their use of or satisfaction with the product or service.
      • setCustomerPurchaseIp

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setCustomerPurchaseIp​(java.lang.String customerPurchaseIp)
        The IP address that the customer used when making the purchase.
      • setDuplicateChargeDocumentation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setDuplicateChargeDocumentation​(java.lang.String duplicateChargeDocumentation)
        (ID of a file upload) Documentation for the prior charge that can uniquely identify the charge, such as a receipt, shipping label, work order, etc. This document should be paired with a similar document from the disputed payment that proves the two payments are separate.
      • setDuplicateChargeDocumentation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setDuplicateChargeDocumentation​(EmptyParam duplicateChargeDocumentation)
        (ID of a file upload) Documentation for the prior charge that can uniquely identify the charge, such as a receipt, shipping label, work order, etc. This document should be paired with a similar document from the disputed payment that proves the two payments are separate.
      • setDuplicateChargeExplanation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setDuplicateChargeExplanation​(java.lang.String duplicateChargeExplanation)
        An explanation of the difference between the disputed charge versus the prior charge that appears to be a duplicate. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setDuplicateChargeExplanation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setDuplicateChargeExplanation​(EmptyParam duplicateChargeExplanation)
        An explanation of the difference between the disputed charge versus the prior charge that appears to be a duplicate. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setDuplicateChargeId

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setDuplicateChargeId​(java.lang.String duplicateChargeId)
        The Stripe ID for the prior charge which appears to be a duplicate of the disputed charge.
      • putAllExtraParam

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder putAllExtraParam​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> map)
        Add all map key/value pairs to `extraParams` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.extraParams for the field documentation.
      • setProductDescription

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setProductDescription​(java.lang.String productDescription)
        A description of the product or service that was sold. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setRefundPolicyDisclosure

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setRefundPolicyDisclosure​(java.lang.String refundPolicyDisclosure)
        Documentation demonstrating that the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setRefundPolicyDisclosure

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setRefundPolicyDisclosure​(EmptyParam refundPolicyDisclosure)
        Documentation demonstrating that the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setRefundRefusalExplanation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setRefundRefusalExplanation​(java.lang.String refundRefusalExplanation)
        A justification for why the customer is not entitled to a refund. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setRefundRefusalExplanation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setRefundRefusalExplanation​(EmptyParam refundRefusalExplanation)
        A justification for why the customer is not entitled to a refund. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.
      • setServiceDate

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setServiceDate​(java.lang.String serviceDate)
        The date on which the customer received or began receiving the purchased service, in a clear human-readable format.
      • setServiceDocumentation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setServiceDocumentation​(java.lang.String serviceDocumentation)
        (ID of a file upload) Documentation showing proof that a service was provided to the customer. This could include a copy of a signed contract, work order, or other form of written agreement.
      • setServiceDocumentation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setServiceDocumentation​(EmptyParam serviceDocumentation)
        (ID of a file upload) Documentation showing proof that a service was provided to the customer. This could include a copy of a signed contract, work order, or other form of written agreement.
      • setShippingAddress

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingAddress​(java.lang.String shippingAddress)
        The address to which a physical product was shipped. You should try to include as complete address information as possible.
      • setShippingAddress

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingAddress​(EmptyParam shippingAddress)
        The address to which a physical product was shipped. You should try to include as complete address information as possible.
      • setShippingCarrier

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingCarrier​(java.lang.String shippingCarrier)
        The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. If multiple carriers were used for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
      • setShippingCarrier

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingCarrier​(EmptyParam shippingCarrier)
        The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. If multiple carriers were used for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
      • setShippingDate

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingDate​(java.lang.String shippingDate)
        The date on which a physical product began its route to the shipping address, in a clear human-readable format.
      • setShippingDocumentation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingDocumentation​(java.lang.String shippingDocumentation)
        (ID of a file upload) Documentation showing proof that a product was shipped to the customer at the same address the customer provided to you. This could include a copy of the shipment receipt, shipping label, etc. It should show the customer's full shipping address, if possible.
      • setShippingDocumentation

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingDocumentation​(EmptyParam shippingDocumentation)
        (ID of a file upload) Documentation showing proof that a product was shipped to the customer at the same address the customer provided to you. This could include a copy of the shipment receipt, shipping label, etc. It should show the customer's full shipping address, if possible.
      • setShippingTrackingNumber

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingTrackingNumber​(java.lang.String shippingTrackingNumber)
        The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
      • setShippingTrackingNumber

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setShippingTrackingNumber​(EmptyParam shippingTrackingNumber)
        The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
      • setUncategorizedText

        public DisputeUpdateParams.Evidence.Builder setUncategorizedText​(java.lang.String uncategorizedText)
        Any additional evidence or statements. Has a maximum character count of 20,000.