Class EphemeralKeyCreateParams.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class EphemeralKeyCreateParams.Builder
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • setCustomer

        public EphemeralKeyCreateParams.Builder setCustomer​(java.lang.String customer)
        The ID of the Customer you'd like to modify using the resulting ephemeral key.
      • addAllExpand

        public EphemeralKeyCreateParams.Builder addAllExpand​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> elements)
        Add all elements to `expand` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See EphemeralKeyCreateParams.expand for the field documentation.
      • setIssuingCard

        public EphemeralKeyCreateParams.Builder setIssuingCard​(java.lang.String issuingCard)
        The ID of the Issuing Card you'd like to access using the resulting ephemeral key.