Class RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • build

      public RegistrationUpdateParams build()
      Finalize and obtain parameter instance from this builder.
    • setActiveFrom

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder setActiveFrom(Long activeFrom)
      Time at which the registration becomes active. It can be either now to indicate the current time, or a timestamp measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • setActiveFrom

      Time at which the registration becomes active. It can be either now to indicate the current time, or a timestamp measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • addExpand

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder addExpand(String element)
      Add an element to `expand` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See RegistrationUpdateParams.expand for the field documentation.
    • addAllExpand

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder addAllExpand(List<String> elements)
      Add all elements to `expand` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See RegistrationUpdateParams.expand for the field documentation.
    • setExpiresAt

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder setExpiresAt(Long expiresAt)
      If set, the registration stops being active at this time. If not set, the registration will be active indefinitely. It can be either now to indicate the current time, or a timestamp measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • setExpiresAt

      If set, the registration stops being active at this time. If not set, the registration will be active indefinitely. It can be either now to indicate the current time, or a timestamp measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • setExpiresAt

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder setExpiresAt(EmptyParam expiresAt)
      If set, the registration stops being active at this time. If not set, the registration will be active indefinitely. It can be either now to indicate the current time, or a timestamp measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • putExtraParam

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder putExtraParam(String key, Object value)
      Add a key/value pair to `extraParams` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See RegistrationUpdateParams.extraParams for the field documentation.
    • putAllExtraParam

      public RegistrationUpdateParams.Builder putAllExtraParam(Map<String,Object> map)
      Add all map key/value pairs to `extraParams` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See RegistrationUpdateParams.extraParams for the field documentation.