Class SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • build

      Finalize and obtain parameter instance from this builder.
    • setCustomer

      public SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder setCustomer(String customer)
      The identifier of the customer to create the subscription schedule for.
    • setDefaultSettings

      Object representing the subscription schedule's default settings.
    • setEndBehavior

      Behavior of the subscription schedule and underlying subscription when it ends. Possible values are release or cancel with the default being release. release will end the subscription schedule and keep the underlying subscription running.cancel will end the subscription schedule and cancel the underlying subscription.
    • addExpand

      Add an element to `expand` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.expand for the field documentation.
    • addAllExpand

      public SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder addAllExpand(List<String> elements)
      Add all elements to `expand` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.expand for the field documentation.
    • putExtraParam

      public SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder putExtraParam(String key, Object value)
      Add a key/value pair to `extraParams` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.extraParams for the field documentation.
    • putAllExtraParam

      Add all map key/value pairs to `extraParams` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.extraParams for the field documentation.
    • setFromSubscription

      public SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder setFromSubscription(String fromSubscription)
      Migrate an existing subscription to be managed by a subscription schedule. If this parameter is set, a subscription schedule will be created using the subscription's item(s), set to auto-renew using the subscription's interval. When using this parameter, other parameters (such as phase values) cannot be set. To create a subscription schedule with other modifications, we recommend making two separate API calls.
    • putMetadata

      public SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder putMetadata(String key, String value)
      Add a key/value pair to `metadata` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.metadata for the field documentation.
    • putAllMetadata

      Add all map key/value pairs to `metadata` map. A map is initialized for the first `put/putAll` call, and subsequent calls add additional key/value pairs to the original map. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.metadata for the field documentation.
    • setMetadata

      Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
    • setMetadata

      Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Individual keys can be unset by posting an empty value to them. All keys can be unset by posting an empty value to metadata.
    • addPhase

      Add an element to `phases` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.phases for the field documentation.
    • addAllPhase

      Add all elements to `phases` list. A list is initialized for the first `add/addAll` call, and subsequent calls adds additional elements to the original list. See SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.phases for the field documentation.
    • setStartDate

      public SubscriptionScheduleCreateParams.Builder setStartDate(Long startDate)
      When the subscription schedule starts. We recommend using now so that it starts the subscription immediately. You can also use a Unix timestamp to backdate the subscription so that it starts on a past date, or set a future date for the subscription to start on.
    • setStartDate

      When the subscription schedule starts. We recommend using now so that it starts the subscription immediately. You can also use a Unix timestamp to backdate the subscription so that it starts on a past date, or set a future date for the subscription to start on.