Class WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder

  extended by com.sun.jersey.api.wadl.config.WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder
Enclosing class:

public static class WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder
extends java.lang.Object

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 WadlGeneratorConfig build()
 java.util.List<WadlGeneratorDescription> descriptions()
 WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder generator(java.lang.Class<? extends WadlGenerator> generatorClass)
 WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder prop(java.lang.String propName, java.lang.Object propValue)
          Specify the property value for the current WadlGenerator.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder()
Method Detail


public WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder generator(java.lang.Class<? extends WadlGenerator> generatorClass)


public WadlGeneratorConfig.WadlGeneratorConfigDescriptionBuilder prop(java.lang.String propName,
                                                                      java.lang.Object propValue)
Specify the property value for the current WadlGenerator.

The WadlGenerator property type can be of any type with the following contraints:

If the WadlGenerator property type is equal to the property value type then the property value is set as the WadlGenerator property value.

If the WadlGenerator property type has a constructor with a single String parameter type and the property value is a String then an instance of the property type is constructed with the property value and that instance is set as the WadlGenerator property value.

If the WadlGenerator property type is of type File, then the specified property value must be a String starting with the prefix classpath: to denote, that the File shall be loaded from the classpath like this:

new File( generator.getClass().getResource( strippedFilename ).toURI() )
Notice that the file is loaded as a resource from the classpath in this case, therefore classpath:test.xml refers to a file in the package of the specified <classname>. The file reference classpath:/test.xml refers to a file that is in the root of the classpath.

If the WadlGenerator property type is of type InputStream, then the specified property value must be a String and the instance of InputStream is obtained with ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String) using the current threads context classloader. The InputStream will be closed after WadlGenerator.init() was called and therefore must not be closed by the WadlGenerator using this stream.

propName - the property name
propValue - the stringified property value
this builder instance


public java.util.List<WadlGeneratorDescription> descriptions()


public WadlGeneratorConfig build()

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