Interface IoCManagedComponentProvider

All Superinterfaces:
ComponentProvider, IoCComponentProvider, IoCInstantiatedComponentProvider

public interface IoCManagedComponentProvider
extends IoCInstantiatedComponentProvider

An IoC-managed component provider.

The component is managed by the underlying IoC framework, which includes managing the construction, injection and destruction according to the life-cycle declared in the IoC framework's semantics. It is the reponsibility of the Jersey runtime to inject Jersey-based artfacts onto the component.

[email protected]

Method Summary
 ComponentScope getScope()
          Get the component scope.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component.ioc.IoCInstantiatedComponentProvider
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component.ComponentProvider

Method Detail


ComponentScope getScope()
Get the component scope.

The scope of the component declared by the underlying IoC framework needs to be mapped to a ComponentScope value supported by the runtime. This enables the runtime to correctly perform its own injecton onto a component instance.

the scope

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