Package com.sun.jersey.core.util

Provides support for collection-based classes.


Interface Summary
FeaturesAndProperties Features and properties.
KeyComparator<K> A key comparator.

Class Summary
Base64 This class provides encode/decode for RFC 2045 Base64 as defined by RFC 2045, N.
Closing A helper class to aid the closing of InputStream.
KeyComparatorHashMap<K,V> A implementation similar to HashMap but supports the comparison of keys using a KeyComparator.
KeyComparatorLinkedHashMap<K,V> A implementation similar to LinkedHashMap but supports the comparison of keys using a KeyComparator.
MultivaluedMapImpl An implementation of MultivaluedMap where keys and values are instances of String.
ReaderWriter A utility class for reading and writing using byte and character streams.
StringIgnoreCaseKeyComparator Case insensitive String key comparator.
StringKeyIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap<V> An implementation of MultivaluedMap where keys are instances of String and are compared ignoring case.
StringKeyObjectValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap An implementation of MultivaluedMap where keys are instances of String and are compared ignoring case and values are instances of Object.
StringKeyStringValueIgnoreCaseMultivaluedMap An implementation of MultivaluedMap where keys are instances of String and are compared ignoring case and values are instances of String.
ThrowHelper Help functionality when throwing exceptions.
UnmodifiableMultivaluedMap<K,V> An unmodifiable view of a MultivaluedMap.

Package com.sun.jersey.core.util Description

Provides support for collection-based classes.

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