Class AccessorFactoryImpl

    • Method Detail

      • createFieldAccessor

        public Accessor createFieldAccessor​(Class bean,
                                            Field field,
                                            boolean readOnly)
        Access a field of the class.
        Specified by:
        createFieldAccessor in interface AccessorFactory
        bean - the class to be processed.
        field - the field within the class to be accessed.
        readOnly - the isStatic value of the field's modifier.
        Accessor the accessor for this field
      • createFieldAccessor

        public Accessor createFieldAccessor​(Class bean,
                                            Field field,
                                            boolean readOnly,
                                            boolean supressWarning)
        Access a field of the class.
        Specified by:
        createFieldAccessor in interface InternalAccessorFactory
        bean - the class to be processed.
        field - the field within the class to be accessed.
        readOnly - the isStatic value of the field's modifier.
        supressWarning - supress security warning about accessing fields through reflection
        Accessor the accessor for this field
      • createPropertyAccessor

        public Accessor createPropertyAccessor​(Class bean,
                                               Method getter,
                                               Method setter)
        Access a property of the class.
        Specified by:
        createPropertyAccessor in interface AccessorFactory
        bean - the class to be processed
        getter - the getter method to be accessed. The value can be null.
        setter - the setter method to be accessed. The value can be null.
        Accessor the accessor for these methods