Class SimpleTypeImpl

    • Method Detail

      • listSubstitutables

        public XSType[] listSubstitutables()
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Lists up types that can substitute this type by using xsi:type. Includes this type itself.

        This method honors the block flag.

        Specified by:
        listSubstitutables in interface XSType
      • getRedefinedCount

        public int getRedefinedCount()
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Returns the number of complex types that redefine this component.

        For example, if A is redefined by B and B is redefined by C, A.getRedefinedCount()==2, B.getRedefinedCount()==1, and C.getRedefinedCount()==0.

        Specified by:
        getRedefinedCount in interface XSType
      • getBaseType

        public XSType getBaseType()
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Returns the base type of this type. Note that if this type represents xs:anyType, this method returns itself. This is awkward as an API, but it follows the schema specification.
        Specified by:
        getBaseType in interface XSType
        always non-null.
      • getSimpleBaseType

        public XSSimpleType getSimpleBaseType()
        Description copied from interface: XSSimpleType
        Gets the base type as XSSimpleType. Equivalent to (XSSimpleType)getBaseType() Since this is a simple type, we know that the base type is also a simple type. The only exception is xs:anySimpleType, which has xs:anyType as the base type.
        Specified by:
        getSimpleBaseType in interface XSSimpleType
        null if this is xs:anySimpleType. Otherwise non-null.
      • isPrimitive

        public boolean isPrimitive()
        Description copied from interface: XSSimpleType
        Returns true if this is a primitive built-in simple type (that directly derives from xs:anySimpleType, by definition.)
        Specified by:
        isPrimitive in interface XSSimpleType
      • isFinal

        public boolean isFinal​(XSVariety v)
        Description copied from interface: XSSimpleType
        Returns true if this type definition is marked as 'final' with respect to the given XSVariety.
        Specified by:
        isFinal in interface XSSimpleType
        true if the type is marked final.
      • asComplexType

        public final XSComplexType asComplexType()
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Casts this object to XSComplexType if possible, otherwise returns null.
        Specified by:
        asComplexType in interface XSType
      • isDerivedFrom

        public boolean isDerivedFrom​(XSType t)
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Returns true if this type is derived from the specified type.

        Note that t.isDerivedFrom(t) returns true.

        Specified by:
        isDerivedFrom in interface XSType
      • isSimpleType

        public final boolean isSimpleType()
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Returns true if this instanceof XSSimpleType.
        Specified by:
        isSimpleType in interface XSType
      • isComplexType

        public final boolean isComplexType()
        Description copied from interface: XSType
        Returns true if this instanceof XSComplexType.
        Specified by:
        isComplexType in interface XSType
      • isRestriction

        public boolean isRestriction()
        Description copied from interface: XSSimpleType
        Returns true if this instanceof XSRestrictionSimpleType.
        Specified by:
        isRestriction in interface XSSimpleType
      • isList

        public boolean isList()
        Description copied from interface: XSSimpleType
        Returns true if this instanceof XSListSimpleType.
        Specified by:
        isList in interface XSSimpleType
      • isUnion

        public boolean isUnion()
        Description copied from interface: XSSimpleType
        Returns true if this instanceof XSUnionSimpleType.
        Specified by:
        isUnion in interface XSSimpleType
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
        Gets the (local) name of the declaration.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface XSDeclaration
        null if this component is anonymous.
      • getTargetNamespace

        public String getTargetNamespace()
        Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
        Target namespace to which this component belongs. "" is used to represent the default no namespace.
        Specified by:
        getTargetNamespace in interface XSDeclaration
      • isGlobal

        public final boolean isGlobal()
        Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
        Returns true if this declaration is a global declaration. Global declarations are those declaration that can be enumerated through the schema object.
        Specified by:
        isGlobal in interface XSDeclaration
      • isLocal

        public final boolean isLocal()
        Description copied from interface: XSDeclaration
        Returns true if this declaration is a local declaration. Equivalent of !isGlobal()
        Specified by:
        isLocal in interface XSDeclaration