Class SCD

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class SCD
    extends Object
    Schema Component Designator (SCD).

    SCD for schema is what XPath is for XML. SCD allows you to select a schema component(s) from a schema component(s).

    See XML Schema: Component Designators. This implementation is based on 03/29/2005 working draft.

    Kohsuke Kawaguchi
    • Constructor Detail

      • SCD

        protected SCD()
        Default constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • select

        public final Collection<XSComponent> select​(XSComponent contextNode)
        Evaluates the SCD against the given context node and returns the matched nodes.
        could be empty but never be null.
      • select

        public final Collection<XSComponent> select​(XSSchemaSet contextNode)
        Evaluates the SCD against the whole schema and returns the matched nodes.

        This method is here because XSSchemaSet doesn't implement XSComponent.

        could be empty but never be null.
      • selectSingle

        public final XSComponent selectSingle​(XSComponent contextNode)
        Evaluates the SCD against the given context node and returns the matched node.
        null if the SCD didn't match anything. If the SCD matched more than one node, the first one will be returned.
      • selectSingle

        public final XSComponent selectSingle​(XSSchemaSet contextNode)
        Evaluates the SCD against the whole schema set and returns the matched node.
        null if the SCD didn't match anything. If the SCD matched more than one node, the first one will be returned.
      • select

        public abstract Iterator<XSComponent> select​(Iterator<? extends XSComponent> contextNodes)
        Evaluates the SCD against the given set of context nodes and returns the matched nodes.
        contextNodes - XSComponents that represent the context node against which is evaluated.
        could be empty but never be null.
      • select

        public final Collection<XSComponent> select​(Collection<? extends XSComponent> contextNodes)
        Evaluates the SCD against the given set of context nodes and returns the matched nodes.
        contextNodes - XSComponents that represent the context node against which is evaluated.
        could be empty but never be null.