Interface PropertyInfo<T,​C>

    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets the name of the property.

        For example, "foo" or "bar". Generally, a property name is different from XML, (although they are often related, as a property name is often computed from tag names / attribute names.) In fact, property names do not directly affect XML. The property name uniquely identifies a property within a class.

        See Also:
      • displayName

        String displayName()
        Gets the display name of the property.

        This is a convenience method for parent().getName()+'#'+getName().

      • isCollection

        boolean isCollection()
        Returns true if this is a multi-valued collection property. Otherwise false, in which case the property is a single value.
      • ref

        Collection<? extends TypeInfo<T,​C>> ref()
        List of TypeInfos that this property references. This allows the caller to traverse the reference graph without getting into the details of each different property type.
        non-null read-only collection.
      • kind

        PropertyKind kind()
        Gets the kind of this property.
        always non-null.
      • getAdapter

        Adapter<T,​C> getAdapter()
        null if the property is not adapted.
      • id

        ID id()
        Returns the IDness of the value of this element.
        always non-null
        See Also:
        XmlID, XmlIDREF
      • getExpectedMimeType

        jakarta.activation.MimeType getExpectedMimeType()
        Expected MIME type, if any.
      • inlineBinaryData

        boolean inlineBinaryData()
        If this is true and this property indeed represents a binary data, it should be always inlined.
      • getSchemaType

        QName getSchemaType()
        The effective value of XmlSchemaType annotation, if any.

        If the property doesn't have XmlSchemaType annotation, this method returns null.

        Since a type name is a property of a Java type, not a Java property, A schema type name of a Java type should be primarily obtained by using NonElement.getTypeName(). This method is to correctly implement the ugly semantics of XmlSchemaType (namely when this returns non-null, it overrides the type names of all types that are in this property.)