Class XmlSchemaGenerator<T,​C,​F,​M>

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public void add​(ClassInfo<T,​C> clazz)
        Adds a new class to the list of classes to be written.

        A ClassInfo may have two namespaces --- one for the element name and the other for the type name. If they are different, we put the same ClassInfo to two XmlSchemaGenerator.Namespaces.

      • add

        public void add​(ElementInfo<T,​C> elem)
        Adds a new element to the list of elements to be written.
      • add

        public void add​(QName tagName,
                        boolean isNillable,
                        NonElement<T,​C> type)
        Adds an additional element declaration.
        tagName - The name of the element declaration to be added.
        type - The type this element refers to. Can be null, in which case the element refers to an empty anonymous complex type.
      • writeEpisodeFile

        public void writeEpisodeFile​(XmlSerializer out)
        Writes out the episode file.
      • write

        public void write​(jakarta.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver resolver,
                          ErrorListener errorListener)
                   throws IOException
        Write out the schema documents.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Debug information of what's in this .
        toString in class Object
      • relativize

        protected static String relativize​(String uri,
                                           String baseUri)
        Relativizes a URI by using another URI (base URI.)

        For example, relative("","") => "../abc/def"

        This method only works on hierarchical URI's, not opaque URI's (refer to the javadoc for complete definitions of these terms.

        This method will not normalize the relative URI.

        the relative URI or the original URI if a relative one could not be computed