Class UUEncoderStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, Flushable, AutoCloseable

    public class UUEncoderStream
    extends FilterOutputStream
    This class implements a UUEncoder. It is implemented as a FilterOutputStream, so one can just wrap this class around any output stream and write bytes into this filter. The Encoding is done as the bytes are written out.
    John Mani
    • Field Detail

      • mode

        protected int mode
    • Constructor Detail

      • UUEncoderStream

        public UUEncoderStream​(OutputStream out)
        Create a UUencoder that encodes the specified input stream
        out - the output stream
      • UUEncoderStream

        public UUEncoderStream​(OutputStream out,
                               String name)
        Create a UUencoder that encodes the specified input stream
        out - the output stream
        name - Specifies a name for the encoded buffer
      • UUEncoderStream

        public UUEncoderStream​(OutputStream out,
                               String name,
                               int mode)
        Create a UUencoder that encodes the specified input stream
        out - the output stream
        name - Specifies a name for the encoded buffer
        mode - Specifies permission mode for the encoded buffer