Class Module

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public abstract class Module extends Object implements Component
Represents an object scoped to the current "module" (like a JavaEE web appliation).

This object can be obtained from Container.getSPI(Class).

The scope of the module is driven by's requirement that we need to identify a WSEndpoint that has a specific service/port name.

For JavaEE containers this should be scoped to a JavaEE application. For other environment, this could be scoped to any similar notion. If no such notion is available, the implementation of Container can return a new Module object each time Container.getSPI(Class) is invoked.

There's a considerable overlap between this and HttpAdapterList. The SPI really needs to be reconsidered

2.1 EA3
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Module

      public Module()
  • Method Details

    • getBoundEndpoints

      @NotNull public abstract List<BoundEndpoint> getBoundEndpoints()
      Gets the list of BoundEndpoint deployed in this module.

      From the point of view of the Module implementation, it really only needs to provide a List object as a data store. JAX-WS will update this list accordingly.

      always return the same non-null instance.
    • getSPI

      @Nullable public <S> S getSPI(@NotNull Class<S> spiType)
      Description copied from interface: Component
      Gets the specified SPI.

      This method works as a kind of directory service for SPIs, allowing various components to define private contract and talk to each other.

      Specified by:
      getSPI in interface Component
      null if such an SPI is not provided by this object.