Class ResourceInjector

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class ResourceInjector extends Object
Represents a functionality of the container to inject resources to application service endpoint object (usually but not necessarily as per JavaEE spec.)

If Container.getSPI(Class) returns a valid instance of ResourceInjector, The JAX-WS RI will call the inject(, java.lang.Object) method for each service endpoint instance that it manages.

The JAX-WS RI will be responsible for calling PostConstruct callback, so implementations of this class need not do so.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceInjector

      public ResourceInjector()
  • Method Details

    • inject

      public abstract void inject(@NotNull WSWebServiceContext context, @NotNull Object instance)
      Performs resource injection.
      context - WebServiceContext implementation to be injected into the instance.
      instance - Instance of the service endpoint class to which resources will be injected.
      Throws: - If the resource injection fails.