Interface JAXBContextFactory

public interface JAXBContextFactory
Factory to create JAXBContext.

JAX-WS uses JAXB to perform databinding when you use the service endpoint interface, and normally the JAX-WS RI drives JAXB and creates a necessary JAXBContext automatically.

This annotation is a JAX-WS RI vendor-specific feature, which lets applications create JAXBRIContext (which is the JAXB RI's JAXBContext implementation.) Combined with the JAXB RI vendor extensions defined in JAXBRIContext, appliation can use this to fine-tune how the databinding happens, such as by adding more classes to the binding context, by controlling the namespace mappings, and so on.

Applications should either use UsesJAXBContextFeature or UsesJAXBContext to instruct the JAX-WS runtime to use a custom factory.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final JAXBContextFactory
    The default implementation that creates JAXBRIContext according to the standard behavior.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    createJAXBContext(SEIModel sei, List<Class> classesToBind, List<com.sun.xml.bind.api.TypeReference> typeReferences)
    Called by the JAX-WS runtime to create a JAXBRIContext for the given SEI.
  • Field Details


      static final JAXBContextFactory DEFAULT
      The default implementation that creates JAXBRIContext according to the standard behavior.
  • Method Details

    • createJAXBContext

      @NotNull com.sun.xml.bind.api.JAXBRIContext createJAXBContext(@NotNull SEIModel sei, @NotNull List<Class> classesToBind, @NotNull List<com.sun.xml.bind.api.TypeReference> typeReferences) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Called by the JAX-WS runtime to create a JAXBRIContext for the given SEI.
      sei - The SEIModel object being constructed. This object provides you access to what SEI is being processed, and therefore useful if you are writing a generic JAXBContextFactory that can work with arbitrary SEI classes.
      classesToBind - List of classes that needs to be bound by JAXB. This value is computed according to the JAX-WS spec and given to you. The calling JAX-WS runtime expects the returned JAXBRIContext to be capable of handling all these classes, but you can add more (which is more common), or remove some (if you know what you are doing.) The callee is free to mutate this list.
      typeReferences - List of TypeReferences, which is also a part of the input to the JAXB RI to control how the databinding happens. Most likely this will be just a pass-through to the JAXBRIContext.newInstance(java.lang.Class[], java.util.Collection<com.sun.xml.bind.api.TypeReference>, java.util.Map<java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class>, java.lang.String, boolean, com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.RuntimeAnnotationReader) method.
      A non-null valid JAXBRIContext object.
      javax.xml.bind.JAXBException - If the callee encounters a fatal problem and wants to abort the JAX-WS runtime processing of the given SEI, throw a JAXBException. This will cause the port instantiation to fail (if on client), or the application deployment to fail (if on server.)