Interface Databinding

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public interface Databinding
Databinding is the entry point for all the WebService Databinding functionality. Primarily, a Databinding is to serialize/deserialize an XML(SOAP) message to/from a JAVA method invocation and return which are represented as JavaCallInfo instances. A WSDLGenerator can be created from a Databinding object to genreate WSDL representation of a JAVA service endpoint interface.

The supported databinding modes(flavors) are:

  • "toplink.jaxb"
  • "glassfish.jaxb"
Following is an example that creates a Databinding which provides the operations to serialize/deserialize a JavaCallInfo to/from a SOAP message:
 DatabindingFactory factory = DatabindingFactory.newInstance();
 Databinding.Builder builder = factory.createBuilder(seiClass, endpointClass);
 Databinding databinding =; 
[email protected]
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createJavaCallInfo

      JavaCallInfo createJavaCallInfo(Method method, Object[] args)
      Creates a new instance of a JavaCallInfo.
      method - The JAVA method
      args - The parameter objects
      New instance of a JavaCallInfo
    • serializeRequest

      MessageContext serializeRequest(JavaCallInfo call)
      Serializes a JavaCallInfo instance representing a JAVA method call to a request XML(SOAP) message.
      call - The JavaCallInfo representing a method call
      The request XML(SOAP) message
    • deserializeResponse

      JavaCallInfo deserializeResponse(MessageContext message, JavaCallInfo call)
      Deserializes a response XML(SOAP) message to a JavaCallInfo instance representing the return value or exception of a JAVA method call.
      message - The response message
      call - The JavaCallInfo instance to be updated
      The JavaCallInfo updated with the return value or exception of a JAVA method call
    • deserializeRequest

      JavaCallInfo deserializeRequest(MessageContext message)
      Deserializes a request XML(SOAP) message to a JavaCallInfo instance representing a JAVA method call.
      message - The request message
      The JavaCallInfo representing a method call
    • serializeResponse

      MessageContext serializeResponse(JavaCallInfo call)
      Serializes a JavaCallInfo instance representing the return value or exception of a JAVA method call to a response XML(SOAP) message.
      call - The JavaCallInfo representing the return value or exception of a JAVA method call
      The response XML(SOAP) message