Class DatabindingFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DatabindingFactory extends Object
DatabindingFactory is the entry point of all the WebService Databinding APIs. A DatabindingFactory instance can be used to create Databinding.Builder instances, and Databinding.Builder instances are used to configure and build Databinding instances.
Following is an example that creates a Databinding which provides the operations to serialize/deserialize a JavaCallInfo to/from a SOAP message:
 DatabindingFactory factory = DatabindingFactory.newInstance();
 Databinding.Builder builder = factory.createBuilder(seiClass, endpointClass);
 Databinding databinding =; 
[email protected]
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DatabindingFactory

      protected DatabindingFactory()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • createBuilder

      public abstract Databinding.Builder createBuilder(Class<?> contractClass, Class<?> endpointClass)
      Creates a new instance of a Databinding.Builder which is initialized with the specified contractClass and endpointClass. The most importance initial states of a Builder object is the contract class which is also called "service endpoint interface" or "SEI" in JAX-WS and JAX-RPC, and the implementation bean class (endpointClass). The the implementation bean class (endpointClass) should be null if the Builder is to create the client side proxy databinding.
      contractClass - The service endpoint interface class
      endpointClass - The service implementation bean class
      New instance of a Databinding.Builder
    • properties

      public abstract Map<String,Object> properties()
      Access properties on the DatabindingFactory instance.
      properties of this WsFactory
    • newInstance

      public static DatabindingFactory newInstance()
      Create a new instance of a DatabindingFactory. This static method creates a new factory instance. Once an application has obtained a reference to a DatabindingFactory it can use the factory to obtain and configure a Databinding.Builder to build a Databinding instances.
      New instance of a DatabindingFactory