Class DatabindingFactory

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DatabindingFactory extends DatabindingFactory
WsFactory is the entry point of all the ws-databinding APIs. A WsFactory instance can be used to create WsTool, WsRuntime, XsTool, and XsRuntime instances.
Following is an example that creates a WsTool which provides the operations for "WSDL to JAVA" and "JAVA to WSDL":
       WsFactory wsfac = WsFactory.newInstance();
       WsTool tool = wsfac.createTool();
       GenerationStatus status = tool.generateWsdl(javaToWsdkInfo);
Following is an example that creates a WsRuntime which provides the operations to serialize/deserialize a JavaCallInfo to/from a SOAP message:
       WsFactory wsfac = WsFactory.newInstance();
       WsRuntime rt = wsfac.createRuntime(wsRuntimeConfig);
[email protected]
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DatabindingFactory

      protected DatabindingFactory()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • createRuntime

      public abstract Databinding createRuntime(DatabindingConfig config)
      Creates a new instance of a WsRuntime which is initialized with the specified configuration object.
      config - the EndpointRuntimeConfig to init this WsRuntime
      New instance of a WsRuntime
    • properties

      public abstract Map<String,Object> properties()
      Access properties on the WsFactory instance.
      Specified by:
      properties in class DatabindingFactory
      properties of this WsFactory
    • newInstance

      public static DatabindingFactory newInstance()
      Create a new instance of a WsFactory. This static method creates a new factory instance. Once an application has obtained a reference to a WsFactory it can use the factory to configure and obtain WsTool and WsRuntime instances.
      New instance of a WsFactory