
  • Class
    Databinding is the entry point for all the WebService databinding runtime functionality.
    DatabindingConfig contains the initial states for Databinding.
    WsFactory is the entry point of all the ws-databinding APIs.
    On the client or service-requestor side, a JavaCallInfo object represents a method call on the service proxy to be serialized as a SOAP request message to be sent to the service.
    A MappingInfo object is the collection of all the properties of the mapping between a JAVA contract class (SEI) and it's corresponding WSDL artifacts (wsdl:portType and wsdl:binding).
    The SoapBodyStyle represents the possible choices of the mapping styles between the SOAP body of a wsdl:operation input/output messages and JAVA method parameters and return/output values.
    WSDLGenInfo provides the WSDL generation options