Interface WSDLGenerator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface WSDLGenerator
WSDLGenerator is used to generate the WSDL representation of the service endpoint interface of the parent Databinding object.
  • Method Details

    • inlineSchema

      WSDLGenerator inlineSchema(boolean inline)
      Sets the inlineSchema boolean. When the inlineSchema is true, the generated schema documents are embedded within the type element of the generated WSDL. When the inlineSchema is false, the generated schema documents are generated as standalone schema documents and imported into the generated WSDL.
      inline - the inlineSchema boolean.
    • property

      WSDLGenerator property(String name, Object value)
      Sets A property of the WSDLGenerator
      name - The name of the property
      value - The value of the property
      this WSDLGenerator instance
    • generate

      void generate(WSDLResolver wsdlResolver)
      Generates the WSDL using the wsdlResolver to output the generated documents.
      wsdlResolver - The WSDLResolver
    • generate

      void generate(File outputDir, String name)
      Generates the WSDL into the file directory
      outputDir - The output file directory
      name - The file name of the main WSDL document