Class OneWayFeature


@ManagedData public class OneWayFeature extends
Unsupported RI extension to work around an issue in WSIT.

This feature is not meant to be used by a common Web service developer as there is no need to send the above mentioned header for a one-way operation. But these properties may need to be sent in certain middleware Web services.

This feature allows ReplyTo, From and RelatesTo Message Addressing Properties to be added for all messages that are sent from the port configured with this annotation. All operations are assumed to be one-way, and this feature should be used for one-way operations only. If a non-null ReplyTo is specified, then MessageID property is also added.

Arun Gupta
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMessageId

      public String getMessageId()
    • getID

      @ManagedAttribute public String getID()
      Specified by:
      getID in class
    • hasSslEprs

      public boolean hasSslEprs()
    • getReplyTo

      @ManagedAttribute public WSEndpointReference getReplyTo()
      Getter for wsa:ReplyTo header WSEndpointReference .
      address of the wsa:ReplyTo header
    • getReplyTo

      public WSEndpointReference getReplyTo(boolean ssl)
    • setReplyTo

      public void setReplyTo(WSEndpointReference address)
      Setter for wsa:ReplyTo header WSEndpointReference.
    • getSslReplyTo

      public WSEndpointReference getSslReplyTo()
    • setSslReplyTo

      public void setSslReplyTo(WSEndpointReference sslReplyTo)
    • getFrom

      @ManagedAttribute public WSEndpointReference getFrom()
      Getter for wsa:From header WSEndpointReference.
      address of the wsa:From header
    • setFrom

      public void setFrom(WSEndpointReference address)
      Setter for wsa:From header WSEndpointReference.
      address - of the wsa:From header
    • getRelatesToID

      @ManagedAttribute public String getRelatesToID()
      Getter for MessageID for wsa:RelatesTo header.
      address of the wsa:FaultTo header
    • setRelatesToID

      public void setRelatesToID(String id)
      Setter for MessageID for wsa:RelatesTo header.
    • getFaultTo

      public WSEndpointReference getFaultTo()
      Getter for wsa:FaultTo header WSEndpointReference.
      address of the wsa:FaultTo header
    • getFaultTo

      public WSEndpointReference getFaultTo(boolean ssl)
    • setFaultTo

      public void setFaultTo(WSEndpointReference address)
      Setter for wsa:FaultTo header WSEndpointReference.
      address - of the wsa:FaultTo header
    • getSslFaultTo

      public WSEndpointReference getSslFaultTo()
    • setSslFaultTo

      public void setSslFaultTo(WSEndpointReference sslFaultTo)
    • isUseAsyncWithSyncInvoke

      public boolean isUseAsyncWithSyncInvoke()
      Getter for whether async is to be used with sync invoke
      whether async is to be used with sync invoke
    • setUseAsyncWithSyncInvoke

      public void setUseAsyncWithSyncInvoke(boolean useAsyncWithSyncInvoke)
      Setter for whether async is to be used with sync invoke
      useAsyncWithSyncInvoke - whether async is to be used with sync invoke
    • enableSslForEpr

      public static WSEndpointReference enableSslForEpr(@NotNull WSEndpointReference epr, @Nullable String sslHost, int sslPort)
      Calculate a new EPR using an existing one and substituting SSL specific host and port values.
      epr - Existing EPR that will be the starting point for the SSL version
      sslHost - New SSL host or null if the existing host should be used
      sslPort - New SSL port or -1 if the existing port should be used