Class ServiceInterceptor


public abstract class ServiceInterceptor extends Object
Interception point for inner working of WSService.

System-level code could hook an implementation of this to WSService to augument its behavior.

2.1 EA3
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceInterceptor

      protected ServiceInterceptor()
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • preCreateBinding

      public List<> preCreateBinding(@NotNull WSPortInfo port, @Nullable Class<?> serviceEndpointInterface, @NotNull WSFeatureList defaultFeatures)
      Called before WSBinding is created, to allow interceptors to add WebServiceFeatures to the created WSBinding.
      port - Information about the port for which dispatch/proxy will be created.
      serviceEndpointInterface - Null if the created binding is for Dispatch. Otheriwse it represents the port interface of the proxy to be created.
      defaultFeatures - The list of features that are currently scheduled to be set for the newly created WSBinding.
      A set of features to be added to the newly created WSBinding. Can be empty but never null. defaultFeatures will take precedence over what this method would return (because it includes user-specified ones which will take the at-most priority), but features you return from this method will take precedence over BindingID's implicit features.
    • postCreateProxy

      public void postCreateProxy(@NotNull WSBindingProvider bp, @NotNull Class<?> serviceEndpointInterface)
      A callback to notify the event of creation of proxy object for SEI endpoint. The callback could set some properties on the BindingProvider.
      bp - created proxy instance
      serviceEndpointInterface - SEI of the endpoint
    • postCreateDispatch

      public void postCreateDispatch(@NotNull WSBindingProvider bp)
      A callback to notify that a Dispatch object is created. The callback could set some properties on the BindingProvider.
      bp - BindingProvider of dispatch object
    • aggregate

      public static ServiceInterceptor aggregate(ServiceInterceptor... interceptors)
      Aggregates multiple interceptors into one facade.