Class FilterMessageImpl

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FilterMessageImpl extends Message
A FilterMessageImpl contains some other Message, which it uses as its basic source of message data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.

The class FilterMessageImpl itself simply overrides all the methods of Message and invokes them on contained Message delegate. Subclasses of FilterMessageImpl may further override some of these methods and may also provide additional methods and fields.

Jitendra Kotamraju
  • Constructor Details

    • FilterMessageImpl

      protected FilterMessageImpl(Message delegate)
  • Method Details

    • hasHeaders

      public boolean hasHeaders()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Returns true if headers are present in the message.
      Specified by:
      hasHeaders in class Message
      true if headers are present.
    • getHeaders

      @NotNull public MessageHeaders getHeaders()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Gets all the headers of this message.

      Implementation Note

      Message implementation is allowed to defer the construction of MessageHeaders object. So if you only want to check for the existence of any header element, use Message.hasHeaders().

      Specified by:
      getHeaders in class Message
      always return the same non-null object.
    • getAttachments

      @NotNull public AttachmentSet getAttachments()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Gets the attachments of this message (attachments live outside a message.)
      getAttachments in class Message
    • hasAttachments

      protected boolean hasAttachments()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Optimization hint for the derived class to check if we may have some attachments.
      hasAttachments in class Message
    • isOneWay

      public boolean isOneWay(@NotNull WSDLPort port)
      Description copied from class: Message
      Returns true if this message is a request message for a one way operation according to the given WSDL. False otherwise.

      This method is functionally equivalent as doing getOperation(port).getOperation().isOneWay() (with proper null check and all.) But this method can sometimes work faster than that (for example, on the client side when used with SEI.)

      isOneWay in class Message
      port - Messages are always created under the context of one WSDLPort and they never go outside that context. Pass in that "governing" WSDLPort object here. We chose to receive this as a parameter instead of keeping WSDLPort in a message, just to save the storage.

      The implementation of this method involves caching the return value, so the behavior is undefined if multiple callers provide different WSDLPort objects, which is a bug of the caller.

    • getPayloadLocalPart

      @Nullable public String getPayloadLocalPart()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Gets the local name of the payload element.
      Specified by:
      getPayloadLocalPart in class Message
      null if a Message doesn't have any payload.
    • getPayloadNamespaceURI

      public String getPayloadNamespaceURI()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Gets the namespace URI of the payload element.
      Specified by:
      getPayloadNamespaceURI in class Message
      null if a Message doesn't have any payload.
    • hasPayload

      public boolean hasPayload()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Returns true if a Message has a payload.

      A message without a payload is a SOAP message that looks like:

         <S:Body />
      Specified by:
      hasPayload in class Message
    • isFault

      public boolean isFault()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Returns true if this message is a fault.

      Just a convenience method built on Message.getPayloadNamespaceURI() and Message.getPayloadLocalPart().

      isFault in class Message
    • getFirstDetailEntryName

      @Nullable public QName getFirstDetailEntryName()
      Description copied from class: Message
      It gives S:Envelope/S:Body/S:Fault/detail 's first child's name. Should be called for messages that have SOAP Fault.

      This implementation is expensive so concrete implementations are expected to override this one.

      getFirstDetailEntryName in class Message
      first detail entry's name, if there is one else null
    • readEnvelopeAsSource

      public Source readEnvelopeAsSource()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Consumes this message including the envelope. returns it as a Source object.
      Specified by:
      readEnvelopeAsSource in class Message
    • readPayloadAsSource

      public Source readPayloadAsSource()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Returns the payload as a Source object. This consumes the message.
      Specified by:
      readPayloadAsSource in class Message
      if there's no payload, this method returns null.
    • readAsSOAPMessage

      public jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage readAsSOAPMessage() throws jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Creates the equivalent SOAPMessage from this message. This consumes the message.
      Specified by:
      readAsSOAPMessage in class Message
      jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException - if there's any error while creating a SOAPMessage.
    • readAsSOAPMessage

      public jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage readAsSOAPMessage(Packet packet, boolean inbound) throws jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Creates the equivalent SOAPMessage from this message. It also uses transport specific headers from Packet during the SOAPMessage construction so that SOAPMessage.getMimeHeaders() gives meaningful transport headers. This consumes the message.
      readAsSOAPMessage in class Message
      jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPException - if there's any error while creating a SOAPMessage.
    • readPayloadAsJAXB

      public <T> T readPayloadAsJAXB(jakarta.xml.bind.Unmarshaller unmarshaller) throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Reads the payload as a JAXB object by using the given unmarshaller. This consumes the message.
      Specified by:
      readPayloadAsJAXB in class Message
      jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - If JAXB reports an error during the processing.
    • readPayloadAsJAXB

      public <T> T readPayloadAsJAXB(XMLBridge<T> bridge) throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Reads the payload as a Data-Bond object This consumes the message.
      Specified by:
      readPayloadAsJAXB in class Message
      null if there's no payload.
      jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - If JAXB reports an error during the processing.
    • readPayload

      public XMLStreamReader readPayload() throws XMLStreamException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Reads the payload as a XMLStreamReader This consumes the message. The caller is encouraged to call XMLStreamReaderFactory.recycle(XMLStreamReader) when finished using the instance.
      Specified by:
      readPayload in class Message
      If there's no payload, this method returns null. Otherwise always non-null valid XMLStreamReader that points to the payload tag name.
    • consume

      public void consume()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Marks the message as consumed, without actually reading the contents.

      This method provides an opportunity for implementations to reuse any reusable resources needed for representing the payload.

      This method may not be called more than once since it may have released the reusable resources.

      consume in class Message
    • writePayloadTo

      public void writePayloadTo(XMLStreamWriter sw) throws XMLStreamException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Writes the payload to StAX. This method writes just the payload of the message to the writer. This consumes the message. The implementation will not write XMLStreamWriter.writeStartDocument() nor XMLStreamWriter.writeEndDocument()

      If there's no payload, this method is no-op.

      Specified by:
      writePayloadTo in class Message
      XMLStreamException - If the XMLStreamWriter reports an error, or some other errors happen during the processing.
    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(XMLStreamWriter sw) throws XMLStreamException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Writes the whole SOAP message (but not attachments) to the given writer. This consumes the message.
      Specified by:
      writeTo in class Message
      XMLStreamException - If the XMLStreamWriter reports an error, or some other errors happen during the processing.
    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler) throws SAXException
      Description copied from class: Message
      Writes the whole SOAP envelope as SAX events.

      This consumes the message.

      Specified by:
      writeTo in class Message
      contentHandler - must not be nulll.
      errorHandler - must not be null. any error encountered during the SAX event production must be first reported to this error handler. Fatal errors can be then thrown as SAXParseException. SAXExceptions thrown from ErrorHandler should propagate directly through this method.
    • copy

      public Message copy()
      Description copied from class: Message
      Creates a copy of a Message.

      This method creates a new Message whose header/payload/attachments/properties are identical to this Message. Once created, the created Message and the original Message behaves independently --- adding header/ attachment to one Message doesn't affect another Message at all.

      This method does NOT consume a message.

      To enable efficient copy operations, there's a few restrictions on how copied message can be used.

      1. The original and the copy may not be used concurrently by two threads (this allows two Messages to share some internal resources, such as JAXB marshallers.) Note that it's OK for the original and the copy to be processed by two threads, as long as they are not concurrent.
      2. The copy has the same 'life scope' as the original (this allows shallower copy, such as JAXB beans wrapped in JAXBMessage.)

      A 'life scope' of a message created during a message processing in a pipeline is until a pipeline processes the next message. A message cannot be kept beyond its life scope. (This experimental design is to allow message objects to be reused --- feedback appreciated.)

      Design Rationale

      Since a Message body is read-once, sometimes (such as when you do fail-over, or WS-RM) you need to create an identical copy of a Message.

      The actual copy operation depends on the layout of the data in memory, hence it's best to be done by the Message implementation itself.

      The restrictions placed on the use of copied Message can be relaxed if necessary, but it will make the copy method more expensive.



      Specified by:
      copy in class Message
    • getID

      @NotNull public String getID(@NotNull WSBinding binding)
      Description copied from class: Message
      Retuns a unique id for the message. The id can be used for various things, like debug assistance, logging, and MIME encoding(say for boundary).

      This method will check the existence of the addressing <MessageID> header, and if present uses that value. Otherwise it generates one from UUID.random(), and return it without adding a new header. But it doesn't add a <MessageID> to the header list since we expect them to be added before calling this method.

      Addressing tube will go do a separate verification on inbound headers to make sure that <MessageID> header is present when it's supposed to be.

      getID in class Message
      binding - object created by BindingID.createBinding()
      unique id for the message
    • getID

      @NotNull public String getID(AddressingVersion av, SOAPVersion sv)
      Description copied from class: Message
      Retuns a unique id for the message.
      getID in class Message
      av - WS-Addressing version
      sv - SOAP version
      unique id for the message
      See Also:
    • getSOAPVersion

      public SOAPVersion getSOAPVersion()
      getSOAPVersion in class Message