Interface WSDLExtensible

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
EditableWSDLBoundFault, EditableWSDLBoundOperation, EditableWSDLBoundPortType, EditableWSDLFault, EditableWSDLInput, EditableWSDLMessage, EditableWSDLModel, EditableWSDLOperation, EditableWSDLOutput, EditableWSDLPort, EditableWSDLPortType, EditableWSDLService, WSDLBoundFault, WSDLBoundOperation, WSDLBoundPortType, WSDLFault, WSDLInput, WSDLMessage, WSDLModel, WSDLOperation, WSDLOutput, WSDLPort, WSDLPortType, WSDLService
All Known Implementing Classes:
WSDLBoundFaultImpl, WSDLBoundOperationImpl, WSDLBoundPortTypeImpl, WSDLFaultImpl, WSDLInputImpl, WSDLMessageImpl, WSDLModelImpl, WSDLOperationImpl, WSDLOutputImpl, WSDLPortImpl, WSDLPortTypeImpl, WSDLServiceImpl

public interface WSDLExtensible extends WSDLObject
Interface that represents WSDL concepts that can have extensions.
Vivek Pandey, Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Method Details

    • getExtensions

      Iterable<WSDLExtension> getExtensions()
      Gets all the WSDLExtensions added through addExtension(WSDLExtension).
      never null.
    • getExtensions

      <T extends WSDLExtension> Iterable<T> getExtensions(Class<T> type)
      Gets all the extensions that is assignable to the given type.

      This allows clients to find specific extensions in a type-safe and convenient way.

      type - The type of the extension to obtain. Must not be null.
      Can be an empty fromjava.collection but never null.
    • getExtension

      <T extends WSDLExtension> T getExtension(Class<T> type)
      Gets the extension that is assignable to the given type.

      This is just a convenient version that does

       Iterator itr = getExtensions(type);
       if(itr.hasNext())  return;
       else               return null;
      null if the extension was not found.
    • addExtension

      void addExtension(WSDLExtension extension)
      Adds a new WSDLExtension to this object.
      extension - must not be null.
    • areRequiredExtensionsUnderstood

      boolean areRequiredExtensionsUnderstood()
      True if all required WSDL extensions on Port and Binding are understood
      true if all wsdl required extensions on Port and Binding are understood
    • addNotUnderstoodExtension

      void addNotUnderstoodExtension(QName extnEl, Locator locator)
      Marks extension as not understood
      extnEl - QName of extension
      locator - Locator
    • getNotUnderstoodExtensions

      List<? extends WSDLExtension> getNotUnderstoodExtensions()
      Lists extensions marked as not understood
      List of not understood extensions