Class PolicyResolver.ServerContext

Enclosing interface:

public static class PolicyResolver.ServerContext extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ServerContext

      public ServerContext(@Nullable PolicyMap policyMap, Container container, Class endpointClass, PolicyMapMutator... mutators)
      The abstraction of PolicyMap is not finalized, and will change in few months. It is highly discouraged to use PolicyMap until it is finalized. In presence of WSDL, JAX-WS by default creates PolicyMap from Policy Attachemnts in WSDL. In absense of WSDL, JAX-WS creates PolicyMap from WebServiceFeatures configured on the endpoint implementation
      policyMap - PolicyMap created from PolicyAttachments in WSDL or Feature annotations on endpoint implementation class.
      mutators - List of PolicyMapMutators that are run eventually when a PolicyMap is created
    • ServerContext

      public ServerContext(@Nullable PolicyMap policyMap, Container container, Class endpointClass, boolean hasWsdl, PolicyMapMutator... mutators)
      The abstraction of PolicyMap is not finalized, and will change in few months. It is highly discouraged to use PolicyMap until it is finalized. In presence of WSDL, JAX-WS by default creates PolicyMap from Policy Attachemnts in WSDL. In absense of WSDL, JAX-WS creates PolicyMap from WebServiceFeatures configured on the endpoint implementation
      policyMap - PolicyMap created from PolicyAttachments in WSDL or Feature annotations on endpoint implementation class.
      hasWsdl - Set to true, if this service is bundled with WSDL, false otherwise
      mutators - List of PolicyMapMutators that are run eventually when a PolicyMap is created
  • Method Details

    • getPolicyMap

      @Nullable public PolicyMap getPolicyMap()
    • getEndpointClass

      @Nullable public Class getEndpointClass()
    • getContainer

      public Container getContainer()
    • hasWsdl

      public boolean hasWsdl()
      Return true, if this service is bundled with WSDL, false otherwise
    • getMutators

      public Collection<PolicyMapMutator> getMutators()