Enum LazyMOMProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<LazyMOMProvider>

public enum LazyMOMProvider extends Enum<LazyMOMProvider>
The lazy provider is intended to defer Gmbal API calls until there is a JMX connection. The provider is scope (environment) aware and behaves accordingly to actual scope. The default behaviour does not defers Gmbal API calls. There are two kind of method allowing registration of an object as a listener. One is for WSEndpointImpl instances (implementing WSEndpointScopeChangeListener) and the other is for arbitrary objects (implementing DefaultScopeChangeListener) that want to be notified about scope changes. The distinction is made because of the fact that endpoints should be registered first and other objects (e.g. dependants on endpoints) must be registered after all the endpoints are processed so no inconsistency is present. Glassfish: WebServicesContainer is one of two classes for which a ManagedObjectManager instance (see Gmbal API) is created when a webservice application is deployed into the Glassfish. For the purpose of postponing Gmbal API calls the WebServicesContainer extends MBeanListener.CallbackImpl so it can register itself as a listener of AMXGlassfish and receive a notification about a connection of a JMX client to the Glassfish server (see WebServicesContainer#postConstruct for registration details). The moment the JMX client is connected a notification is sent to the listeners of AMXGlassfish. When this event is received by WebServiceContainer (see the callback method mbeanRegistered) a ManagedObjectManager instance is created and no further deferring of Gmbal API calls is needed. Metro/JAX-WS: The situation in Metro/JAX-WS is slightly different from the one described above. Metro/JAX-WS can be used as standalone libraries (outside of Glassfish) so no notification from the Glassfish server can be expected in this case. This leads to a situation when Metro/JAX-WS has to be aware of context in which it is used and acts appropriately. There are 3 scopes an application using Metro/JAX-WS can be in: STANDALONE, GLASSFISH_NO_JMX, GLASSFISH_JMX (scope). The default scope is STANDALONE and all Gmbal API calls are invoked as they are requested. The other two scopes are applied only when an application is deployed into a Glassfish server. The GLASSFISH_NO_JMX is set at the moment the application is deployed (see below) and its purpose is to defer Gmbal API calls for as long as possible. For some classes e.g. ManagedObjectManager proxy classes were introduced to avoid the necessity of creating the real Gmbal objects but if a method is invoked on these proxies the creation of real Gmbal objects is forced even in this scope. The GLASSFISH_JMX scope is set when a JMX client is connected to the Glassfish server and it processes Gmbal API calls without deferring (as if the application was in the STANDALONE scope). The entry point for postponing the Gmbal API calls / creating Gmbal objects in Metro/JAX-WS is LazyMOMProvider. This class is capable of receiving notifications from the Glassfish server (LazyMOMProvider.initMOMForScope) about the scope change and it also spread this information to its listeners. The listeners of LazyMOMProvider are of two kinds: LazyMOMProvider.WSEndpointScopeChangeListener and LazyMOMProvider.DefaultScopeChangeListener. Extensions of WSEndpoint (e.g. WSEndpointImpl) should implement the LazyMOMProvider.WSEndpointScopeChangeListener and register themselves as endpoint listeners of LazyMOMProvider. Other classes should implement the latter mentioned interface and register themselves as a non-endpoint listener. The differences between these two kind of listeners are described in LazyMOMProvider class comment. An implementation of LazyMOMProvider.DefaultScopeChangeListener is provided in Metro (WSEndpointCollectionBasedMOMListener). As mentioned above this listener register itself as a non-endpoint listener of LazyMOMProvider (WSEndpointCollectionBasedMOMListener.init). An instance of this class is used in these factories: SessionManager, NonceManager and SequenceManagerFactory. SessionManager, NonceManager, PersistentSequenceManager and InVmSequenceManager also (indirectly) implement MOMRegistrationAware for providing information whether a manager is registered at ManagedObjectManager or not. Registration of a manager at ManagedObjectManager can be processed directly (if WSEndpointCollectionBasedMOMListener.canRegisterAtMOM returns true) via WSEndpointCollectionBasedMOMListener.registerAtMOM or is deferred by putting the manager into WSEndpointCollectionBasedMOMListener.registrationAwareMap. Managers stored in for deferred registration are processed at the moment the LazyMOMProvider notifies the WSEndpointCollectionBasedMOMListener about the scope change. The mentioned postponing of Gmbal API calls applies only to the server side of the webservice application.
  • Enum Constant Details

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static LazyMOMProvider[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static LazyMOMProvider valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • initMOMForScope

      public void initMOMForScope(LazyMOMProvider.Scope scope)
      Initializes this provider with a given scope. If the given scope is different than the one this provider is currently in and the transition between scopes is valid then a event is fired to all registered listeners.
      scope - a scope to initialize this provider with
    • registerListener

      public void registerListener(LazyMOMProvider.DefaultScopeChangeListener listener)
      Registers the given object as a listener.
      listener - a listener to be registered
    • getScope

      public LazyMOMProvider.Scope getScope()
    • registerEndpoint

      public void registerEndpoint(LazyMOMProvider.WSEndpointScopeChangeListener wsEndpoint)
      Registers a Webservice Endpoint as a listener. Webservice Endpoints should rather register through this method than through LazyMOMProvider#registerListener because generally they need to be notified sooner than arbitrary listener (i.e. object that is dependant on Webservice Endpoint)
      wsEndpoint - a Webservice Endpoint to be registered
    • unregisterEndpoint

      public void unregisterEndpoint(LazyMOMProvider.WSEndpointScopeChangeListener wsEndpoint)
      Unregisters a Webservice Endpoint from the list of listeners.
      wsEndpoint - a Webservice Endpoint to be unregistered