Interface SDDocument.WSDL

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SDDocument.WSDL extends SDDocument
SDDocument that represents a WSDL.
  • Method Details

    • getTargetNamespace

      @ManagedAttribute String getTargetNamespace()
      Gets the target namepsace of this schema.
    • hasPortType

      @ManagedAttribute boolean hasPortType()
      This WSDL has a portType definition that matches what WSEndpoint is serving. TODO: does this info needs to be exposed?
    • hasService

      @ManagedAttribute boolean hasService()
      This WSDL has a service definition that matches the WSEndpoint. TODO: does this info need to be exposed?
    • getAllServices

      @ManagedAttribute Set<QName> getAllServices()
      All <service> names that were in this WSDL, or empty set if there was none. Used for error diagnostics.