Class SingletonResolver<T>

public final class SingletonResolver<T> extends AbstractInstanceResolver<T>
InstanceResolver that always returns a single instance.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  • Constructor Details

    • SingletonResolver

      public SingletonResolver(@NotNull T singleton)
  • Method Details

    • resolve

      @NotNull public T resolve(Packet request)
      Description copied from class: InstanceResolver
      Decides which instance of 'T' serves the given request message.

      This method is called concurrently by multiple threads. It is also on a criticail path that affects the performance. A good implementation should try to avoid any synchronization, and should minimize the amount of work as much as possible.

      Specified by:
      resolve in class InstanceResolver<T>
      request - Always non-null. Represents the request message to be served. The caller may not consume the Message.
    • start

      public void start(WSWebServiceContext wsc, WSEndpoint endpoint)
      Description copied from class: InstanceResolver
      Called by WSEndpoint when it's set up.

      This is an opportunity for InstanceResolver to do a endpoint-specific initialization process.

      start in class InstanceResolver<T>
      wsc - The WebServiceContext instance to be injected to the user instances (assuming InstanceResolver
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from class: InstanceResolver
      Called by WSEndpoint when WSEndpoint.dispose() is called. This allows InstanceResolver to do final clean up.

      This method is guaranteed to be only called once by WSEndpoint.

      dispose in class InstanceResolver<T>