Class EndpointArgumentsBuilder.Composite

Enclosing class:

public static final class EndpointArgumentsBuilder.Composite extends EndpointArgumentsBuilder
EndpointArgumentsBuilder that is a composition of multiple EndpointArgumentsBuilders.

Sometimes we need to look at multiple parts of the reply message (say, two header params, one body param, and three attachments, etc.) and that's when this object is used to combine multiple EndpointArgumentsBuilders (that each responsible for handling one part).

The model guarantees that only at most one EndpointArgumentsBuilder will return a value as a return value (and everything else has to go to Holders.)

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • readRequest

      public void readRequest(Message msg, Object[] args) throws jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException, XMLStreamException
      Description copied from class: EndpointArgumentsBuilder
      Reads a request Message, disassembles it, and moves obtained Java values to the expected places.
      Specified by:
      readRequest in class EndpointArgumentsBuilder
      msg - The request Message to be de-composed.
      args - The Java arguments given to the SEI method invocation. Some parts of the reply message may be set to Holders in the arguments.
      jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException - if there's an error during unmarshalling the request message.
      XMLStreamException - if there's an error during unmarshalling the request message.