Class ServletAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Component, Reconfigurable, BoundEndpoint

public class ServletAdapter extends HttpAdapter implements BoundEndpoint
HttpAdapter for servlets.

This is a thin wrapper around HttpAdapter with some description specified in the deployment (in particular those information are related to how a request is routed to a ServletAdapter.

This class implements BoundEndpoint and represent the servlet-WSEndpoint association

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getServletContext

      public jakarta.servlet.ServletContext getServletContext()
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name of the endpoint as given in the sun-jaxws.xml deployment descriptor.
      the name
    • getAddress

      @NotNull public URI getAddress()
      Description copied from interface: BoundEndpoint
      The address of the bound endpoint.

      For example, if this endpoint is bound to a servlet endpoint "http://foobar/myapp/myservice", then this method should return that address.

      Specified by:
      getAddress in interface BoundEndpoint
      address of the endpoint
    • getAddress

      @NotNull public URI getAddress(String baseAddress)
      Description copied from interface: BoundEndpoint
      The address of the bound endpoint using the base address. Often times, baseAddress is only avaialble during the request.

      If the endpoint is bound to a servlet endpoint, the base address won't include the url-pattern, so the base address would be "http://host:port/context". This method would include url-pattern for the endpoint and return that address for e.g. "http://host:port/context/url-pattern"

      Specified by:
      getAddress in interface BoundEndpoint
      baseAddress - that is used in computing the full address
      address of the endpoint
    • getPortName

      public QName getPortName()
      Convenient method to return a port name from WSEndpoint.
      null if WSEndpoint isn't tied to any paritcular port.
    • handle

      public void handle(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
      Version of HttpAdapter.handle(WSHTTPConnection) that takes convenient parameters for servlet.
      context - Servlet Context
      request - Servlet Request
      response - Servlet Response
      IOException - when there is i/o error in handling request
    • createConnection

      protected WSHTTPConnection createConnection(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
    • invokeAsync

      public void invokeAsync(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, HttpAdapter.CompletionCallback callback) throws IOException
      Version of HttpAdapter.handle(WSHTTPConnection) that takes convenient parameters for servlet. Based on the async capabilities of the request and the application processing it, the method may run in asynchronous mode. When run in async mode, this method returns immediately. The response is delayed until the application is ready with the response or the corresponding asynchronous operation times out. The CompletionCallback is guaranteed to run after response is committed..
      context - Servlet Context
      request - Servlet Request
      response - Servlet Response
      callback - CompletionCallback
      IOException - when there is i/o error in handling request
    • publishWSDL

      @Deprecated public void publishWSDL(jakarta.servlet.ServletContext context, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
      context - Servlet Context
      request - Servlet Request
      response - Servlet Response
      IOException - when there is i/o error in handling request
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object