All Classes and Interfaces

Signals the abortion of the compilation.
An abstract class for documents containing entities.
An abstract implementation class of TWSDLExtensionHandler
XMLFilter that finds references to other schema files from SAX events.
annotation processing task for use with the JAXWS project.
Represents authorization information needed by DefaultAuthenticator to authenticate wsimport to access the wsdl.
Entity corresponding to the "binding" WSDL element.
Entity corresponding to the "fault" child element of a binding operation.
Entity corresponding to the "input" child element of a binding operation.
Entity corresponding to the "operation" child element of a WSDL "binding" element.
Entity corresponding to the "output" child element of a binding operation.
Implementation of Callback interface that allows the driver of the XJC API to rename JAXB-generated classes/interfaces/enums.
This class writes out a Model as an XML document.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
An interface defining constants needed to read and write WSDL documents.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
An interface implemented by entities that define target namespaces.
Entity corresponding to the "definitions" WSDL element.
Util provides static utility methods used by other wscompile classes.
Entity corresponding to the "documentation" WSDL element.
XMLParser implementation that parses XML from a DOM forest instead of parsing it from its original location.
Produces a complete series of SAX events from any DOM node in the DOMForest.
An exception signalling that an entity with the given name/id has already been defined.
Interface implemented by classes that are mappable to XML elements.
An entity, typically corresponding to an XML element.
An action operating on an entity.
An action operating on an entity reference composed of a kind and a QName.
An interface implemented by a class that is capable of validating a QName/Kind pair referring to an external entity.
Implemented by the driver of the compiler engine to handle errors found during the compiliation.
Filter implementation of the ErrorReceiver.
A model visitor incorporating all the logic required to walk through the model.
A helper class for extensible entities.
An entity extending another entity.
A visitor working on extension entities.
A base class for extension visitors.
A reference to a globally known entity in a document.
"Opaque" object in the object graph that knows how to persist itself to XML.
Entity corresponding to the "fault" child element of a port type operation.
Writes all the source files using the specified Filer.
EntityResolver that delegates to two EntityResolvers.
Service Generator Extension for Custom Binding and Transport
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
An entity that can be defined in a target namespace.
An interface implemented by entities which can be defined in a target namespace.
A HTTP address extension.
A HTTP binding extension.
Interface defining HTTP-extension-related constants.
The HTTP extension handler for WSDL.
A HTTP operation extension.
A HTTP urlEncoded extension.
A HTTP urlReplacement extension.
An interface implemented by entities which have an ID.
Entity corresponding to the "import" WSDL element.
Entity corresponding to the "input" child element of a port type operation.
Encapsulates schema-language dependent internalization logic.
Internalizes external binding declarations.
Invokes JAX-WS tools in a special class loader that can pick up annotation processing classes, even if it's not available in the tool launcher classpath.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Root of the JAXB Model.
Top-level binding between JAXB generated Java type and XML Schema element declaration.
Top-level binding between JAXB generated Java type and XML Schema element declaration.
Holds JAXB JType and TypeAndAnnotation.
Generator for placeholder JWS implementations
A kind of entity.
Enumeration of the kind of entities that can be defined in a WSDL "definitions" element.
Note: this class has a natural ordering that is inconsistent with equals.
Entity corresponding to the "message" WSDL element.
Entity corresponding to a WSDL message part.
Interface defining MIME-extension-related constants.
A MIME content extension.
The MIME extension handler for WSDL.
A MIME multipartRelated extension.
A MIME part extension.
A MIME mimeXml extension.
The model is used to represent the entire Web Service.
A Modeler is used to create a Model of a Web Service from a particular Web Web Service description such as a WSDL
ModelerException represents an exception that occurred while visiting service model.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
ModelException represents an exception that occurred while visiting service model.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Names provides utility methods used by other wscompile classes for dealing with identifiers.
An exception signalling that an entity with the given name/id does not exist.
Entity corresponding to the "operation" child element of a "portType" WSDL element.
Enumeration of the supported WSDL operation styles.
Provide common jaxws tool options.
Used to signal that we've finished processing.
Entity corresponding to the "output" child element of a port type operation.
An exception signalling a parsing error.
A listener for parsing-related events.
Add-on that works on the generated source code.
Plugin that marks the generated code by using '@Generated'.
Policies are evaluated at runtime.
Policies are evaluated at runtime.
Entity corresponding to the "port" WSDL element.
Entity corresponding to the "portType" WSDL element.
ProcessorException represents an exception that occurred while processing a web service.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Builds all possible pseudo schemas for async operation ResponseBean to feed to XJC.
An action operating on a QName.
Entity corresponding to the "service" WSDL element.
Error thrown when something goes wrong while looking up service providers.
Interface defining SOAP1.2-related constants.
A SOAP address extension.
A SOAP binding extension.
A SOAP body extension.
Interface defining SOAP-related constants.
An interface implemented by a class that is capable of validating a QName/Kind pair referring to an external entity.
The SOAP extension handler for WSDL.
A SOAP fault extension.
A SOAP header extension.
A SOAP header fault extension.
A SOAP operation extension.
A SOAP "style" enumeration.
A SOAP "use" enumeration.
This class is deprecated, will be removed in JAX-WS 2.2 RI.
Obtains the version number of the JAX-WS tools.
This interface is deprecated, will be removed in JAX-WS 2.2 RI.
This interface is deprecated, will be removed in JAX-WS 2.2 RI.
This class is deprecated, will be removed in JAX-WS 2.2 RI.
This interface is deprecated, will be removed in JAX-WS 2.2 RI.
This interface is deprecated, will be removed in JAX-WS 2.2 RI.
The context used by parser classes.
Entity corresponding to the "types" WSDL element.
2 Defines various utility methods.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
An exception signalling that validation of an entity failed.
Checks the jaxb:version attribute on a XML Schema document.
This Java Generator extension generates @Action annotation on web methods if an explicit wsam:Action value is specified in the wsdl definitions.
This extension parses the WSDL Metadata extensibility elements in the wsdl definitions.
WebServiceAp is a AnnotationProcessor for processing jakarta.jws.* and* annotations.
WebServiceAP is an AnnotationProcessor for processing jakarta.jws.* and* annotations.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
This class generates the request/response and Exception Beans used by the JAX-WS runtime.
Wrapper task to launch real implementations of the task in a classloader that can work even in JavaSE 6.
FileCodeWriter implementation that notifies JAX-WS about newly created files.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Interface defining WSDL-related constants.
A WSDL document.
A visitor for WSDL documents.
Maintains wsdl:location context.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
The WSDLModeler processes a WSDL to create a Model.
A parser for WSDL documents.
Wrapper task to launch WsGen2.
WsGen tool entry point.
Allows to customize wsgen behaviour using this extension.
Allows to extend protocol for wsgen's wsdl[:protocol] switch.
Wrapper task to launch WsImport2.
WsImport tool entry point.
Singleton abstract factory used to produce JAX-WS tools related objects.
Factory implementation class to instantiate concrete objects for JAX-WS tools.