


package mongodb

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package codecs

Type Members

  1. class DateSerializer extends Serializer[Date]
  2. class DateTimeSerializer extends Serializer[DateTime]
  3. sealed abstract class FindOption extends AnyRef

    For passing in options to the find function

  4. class IntegerPrimitiveCodec extends IntegerCodec

    Codec for java.lang.Integer

  5. trait JsonFormats extends AnyRef
  6. trait JsonObject[BaseDocument] extends AnyRef
  7. class JsonObjectMeta[BaseDocument] extends AnyRef
  8. case class Limit(value: Int) extends FindOption with Product with Serializable
  9. class LongPrimitiveCodec extends LongCodec

    Codec for java.lang.Long

  10. trait MongoCodecs extends AnyRef
  11. trait MongoDocument[BaseDocument] extends JsonObject[BaseDocument]

    extend case class with this trait

  12. trait MongoDocumentMeta[BaseDocument] extends JsonObjectMeta[BaseDocument] with MongoMeta[BaseDocument, BsonDocument]

    extend case class companion objects with this trait

  13. trait MongoMeta[BaseDocument, TDocument] extends JsonFormats with MongoCodecs

    This is used by both MongoDocumentMeta and MongoMetaRecord

  14. case class MongoRef(ref: String, id: ObjectId) extends Product with Serializable
  15. class ObjectIdSerializer extends Serializer[ObjectId]
  16. class PatternSerializer extends Serializer[Pattern]
  17. case class Skip(value: Int) extends FindOption with Product with Serializable
  18. class UUIDSerializer extends Serializer[UUID]

Deprecated Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class UpdateOption extends AnyRef

    (Since version 3.4.3) Use com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions instead

Value Members

  1. object AsObjectId

    An ObjectId extractor.

  2. object BsonDSL extends JsonDSL
  3. object BsonParser extends SimpleInjector
  4. object JsonDate
  5. object JsonDateTime
  6. object JsonObjectId
  7. object JsonRegex
  8. object JsonUUID
  9. object MongoDB

    Main Mongo object

  10. object MongoRules extends SimpleInjector
  11. object PatternHelper

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object JObjectParser extends SimpleInjector

    (Since version 3.4.3) Please use BsonParser instead.

  2. object MongoAsync

    Async version of MongoDB.

    Async version of MongoDB.

    You should only have one instance of MongoClient in a JVM.


    import com.mongodb.MongoClientSettings
    import com.mongodb.async.client.MongoClients
    import olon.util.{ConnectionIdentifier, DefaultConnectionIdentifier}
    import org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecRegistries
    val client = MongoClients.create("mongodb://")
    // main database
    MongoAsync.defineDb(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, client.getDatabase("mydb"))
    // admin database
    case object AdminIdentifier extends ConnectionIdentifier {
      val jndiName = "admin"
    val codecRegistry = CodecRegistries.fromRegistries(
      CodecRegistries.fromCodecs(new LongPrimitiveCodec, new IntegerPrimitiveCodec)
    val admin = client.getDatabase("admin").withCodecRegistry(codecRegistry)
    MongoAsync.defineDb(AdminIdentifier, admin)

    (Since version 3.4.3) No longer supported. This will be removed in Lift 4.

  3. case object Multi extends UpdateOption with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 3.4.3) Use com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions instead

  4. case object Upsert extends UpdateOption with Product with Serializable

    (Since version 3.4.3) Use com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions instead
