
package server

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class CallDriver[R, Req](listener: Listener[Req], run: ZIO[R, Status, Unit]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a running request to be served by ZServerCallHandler

    Represents a running request to be served by ZServerCallHandler

    The listener is returned to grpc-java to feed input into the request.

    The run represents an effect of running the request: it reads the input provided to the listener, and writes the response to an output channel. It handles interrupts by sending a cancel event through the channel.

  2. final class ZServerCall[Res] extends AnyVal

    Wrapper around io.grpc.ServerCall that lifts its effects into ZIO values

  3. class ZServerCallHandler[R, Req, Res] extends ServerCallHandler[Req, Res]

Value Members

  1. object CallDriver extends Serializable
  2. object ZServerCallHandler
