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    # Binding.scala [![Production Ready](]("com.thoughtworks.binding"&s=indexed&type=Code&utf8=✓) [![Extremely Lightweight](]( [![Join the chat at](]( [![StackOverflow](]( [![Scala CI](]( [![Scaladoc](]( [![Latest version](]( *Binding.scala** is a data-binding library for [Scala](, running on both JVM and [Scala.js]( Binding.scala can be used as the basis of UI frameworks, however latest Binding.scala 12.x does not contain any build-in UI frameworks any more. For creating reactive HTML UI, you may want to check out [html.scala](, which is an UI framework based on Binding.scala, and it is also the successor of previously built-in [dom]( library. See [Binding.scala • TodoMVC]( or [ScalaFiddle DEMOs]( as examples for common tasks when working with Binding.scala. ## Comparison to other reactive web frameworks Binding.scala and html.scala has more features and less concepts than other reactive web frameworks like [ReactJS](

    Binding.scala ReactJS
    Support HTML literal? Yes Partially supported. Regular HTML does not compile, unless developers manually replaces class and for attributes to className and htmlFor, and manually converts inline styles from CSS syntax to JSON syntax.
    Algorithm to update DOM Precise data-binding, which is faster than virtual DOM Virtual DOM differentiation, which requires manually managed key attributes for complicated DOM.
    Lifecycle management for data-binding expressions Automatically N/A
    Statically type checking Yes, even for HTML tags and attribues No
    Learning curve Always easy Easy to start. Requires much more efforts to understand its corner cases.
    See [Design](#design) section for more information. ## Getting started We will build an Binding.scala web page during the following steps. ### Step 0: Setup a Sbt Scala.js project See for information about how to setup such a project. ### Step 1: Add html.scala dependencies into your `build.sbt`: ``` scala // Enable macro annotations by setting scalac flags for Scala 2.13 scalacOptions ++= { import Ordering.Implicits._ if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers >= Seq(2L, 13L)) { Seq("-Ymacro-annotations") } else { Nil } } // Enable macro annotations by adding compiler plugins for Scala 2.12 libraryDependencies ++= { import Ordering.Implicits._ if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers >= Seq(2L, 13L)) { Nil } else { Seq(compilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.1" cross CrossVersion.full)) } } libraryDependencies += "com.yang-bo" %%% "html" % "latest.release" ``` ### Step 2: Create a `data` field, which contains some `Var` and `Vars` as data source for your data-binding expressions ``` scala case class Contact(name: Var[String], email: Var[String]) val data = Vars.empty[Contact] ``` A `Var` represents a bindable variable, which also implements `Binding` trait, hence a `Var` can be seen as a binding expression as well. If another expression depends on a `Var`, the value of the expression changes whenever value of the `Var` changes. A `Vars` represents a sequence of bindable variables, which also implements `BindingSeq` trait, hence a `Vars` can be seen as a binding expression of a sequence as well. If another comprehension expression depends on a `Vars`, the value of the expression changes whenever value of the `Vars` changes. ### Step 3: Create a `@html` method that contains data-binding expressions ``` scala

    # Binding.scala [![Production Ready](]("com.thoughtworks.binding"&s=indexed&type=Code&utf8=✓) [![Extremely Lightweight](]( [![Join the chat at](]( [![StackOverflow](]( [![Scala CI](]( [![Scaladoc](]( [![Latest version](]( *Binding.scala** is a data-binding library for [Scala](, running on both JVM and [Scala.js]( Binding.scala can be used as the basis of UI frameworks, however latest Binding.scala 12.x does not contain any build-in UI frameworks any more. For creating reactive HTML UI, you may want to check out [html.scala](, which is an UI framework based on Binding.scala, and it is also the successor of previously built-in [dom]( library. See [Binding.scala • TodoMVC]( or [ScalaFiddle DEMOs]( as examples for common tasks when working with Binding.scala. ## Comparison to other reactive web frameworks Binding.scala and html.scala has more features and less concepts than other reactive web frameworks like [ReactJS](

    Binding.scala ReactJS
    Support HTML literal? Yes Partially supported. Regular HTML does not compile, unless developers manually replaces class and for attributes to className and htmlFor, and manually converts inline styles from CSS syntax to JSON syntax.
    Algorithm to update DOM Precise data-binding, which is faster than virtual DOM Virtual DOM differentiation, which requires manually managed key attributes for complicated DOM.
    Lifecycle management for data-binding expressions Automatically N/A
    Statically type checking Yes, even for HTML tags and attribues No
    Learning curve Always easy Easy to start. Requires much more efforts to understand its corner cases.
    See [Design](#design) section for more information. ## Getting started We will build an Binding.scala web page during the following steps. ### Step 0: Setup a Sbt Scala.js project See for information about how to setup such a project. ### Step 1: Add html.scala dependencies into your `build.sbt`: ``` scala // Enable macro annotations by setting scalac flags for Scala 2.13 scalacOptions ++= { import Ordering.Implicits._ if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers >= Seq(2L, 13L)) { Seq("-Ymacro-annotations") } else { Nil } } // Enable macro annotations by adding compiler plugins for Scala 2.12 libraryDependencies ++= { import Ordering.Implicits._ if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers >= Seq(2L, 13L)) { Nil } else { Seq(compilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.1" cross CrossVersion.full)) } } libraryDependencies += "com.yang-bo" %%% "html" % "latest.release" ``` ### Step 2: Create a `data` field, which contains some `Var` and `Vars` as data source for your data-binding expressions ``` scala case class Contact(name: Var[String], email: Var[String]) val data = Vars.empty[Contact] ``` A `Var` represents a bindable variable, which also implements `Binding` trait, hence a `Var` can be seen as a binding expression as well. If another expression depends on a `Var`, the value of the expression changes whenever value of the `Var` changes. A `Vars` represents a sequence of bindable variables, which also implements `BindingSeq` trait, hence a `Vars` can be seen as a binding expression of a sequence as well. If another comprehension expression depends on a `Vars`, the value of the expression changes whenever value of the `Vars` changes. ### Step 3: Create a `@html` method that contains data-binding expressions ``` scala

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  • package binding



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Package Members

  1. package binding
