
package scala.async

Type members


object Async

Async blocks provide a direct means to work with scala.concurrent.Future.

Async blocks provide a direct means to work with scala.concurrent.Future.

For example, to use an API that fetches a web page to fetch two pages and add their lengths:

import scala.concurrent._, duration._
import akka.util._,, akka.http.scaladsl._, model._
import scala.async.Async.{async, await}
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
import system.dispatcher
def fetchURL(url: Uri): Future[ByteString] = async {
 val response = await(Http().singleRequest(HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, url)))
 val entity = await(response.entity.toStrict(5.seconds))
val sumLengths: Future[Int] = async {
 val body1 = fetchURL("")
 val body2 = fetchURL("")
 await(body1).length + await(body2).length
async {
 await(sumLengths) should be > 50000

Note that in the following program, the second fetch does not start until after the first. If you need to start tasks in parallel, you must do so before await-ing a result.

val sumLengths: Future[Int] = async {
 await(fetchURL("")).length + await(fetchURL("")).length
async {
 await(sumLengths) should be > 50000