Type members
The base keyword to perform asynchronous IO in domains.task.Tasks.
The base keyword to perform asynchronous IO in domains.task.Tasks.
- Example
The following
is a Task to read file content with the help of AsynchronousIo.ReadFileimport java.nio._, file._, channels._ import import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords._ import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.Shift._ import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.AsynchronousIo.ReadFile import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import def readAll(channel: AsynchronousFileChannel, temporaryBufferSize: Int = 4096): Task[ArrayBuffer[CharBuffer]] = Task { val charBuffers = ArrayBuffer.empty[CharBuffer] val decoder = Codec.UTF8.decoder val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(temporaryBufferSize) var position: Long = 0L while (!ReadFile(channel, byteBuffer, position) != -1) { position += byteBuffer.position() byteBuffer.flip() charBuffers += decoder.decode(byteBuffer) byteBuffer.clear() } charBuffers }
`Task`s created from !-notation can be used in `for`-comprehension, and other keywords can be used together in the same `for` block. For example, the following `cat` function contains a single `for` block to concatenate file contents. It asynchronously iterates elements `Seq`, `ArrayBuffer` and `String` with the help of [[keywords.Each]], managed native resources with the help of [[keywords.Using]], performs previously created `readAll` task with the help of [[keywords.Shift]], and finally converts the return type [[ as]] a `Task[Vector[Char]]`.
import com.thoughtworks.dsl._ import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords._ import import import def cat(paths: Path*) = Each.ToView { for { path <- Each(paths) channel <- Using( charBuffers <- Shift(readAll(channel)) charBuffer <- Each(charBuffers) char <- Each(charBuffer.toString) } yield char }.to[Task]
Then the `cat` function is used to concatenate files from this project, as shown below:
Task.toFuture(Task { val filesToRead = for (fileName <- Seq(".sbtopts", ".scalafmt.conf")) yield { Paths.get(sourcecode.File()).getParent.resolve("../../../../../..").resolve(fileName) } (!Shift(cat(filesToRead: _*))).mkString should be( { fileToRead => new String(Files.readAllBytes(fileToRead), io.Codec.UTF8.charSet) }.mkString ) })
- Companion
- object
- Companion
- object
- Companion
- object
Await is a Keyword to extract value from a scala.concurrent.Future.
Await is a Keyword to extract value from a scala.concurrent.Future.
This keyword is available in functions whose return types are
Future, domains.task.Task, or any exception
aware continuations as (_ !! Throwable !! _)
- Authors
杨博 (Yang Bo)
- Example
Given a Future:
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset, reset._ import scala.concurrent.Future val myFuture40 = Future { 40 }
You can Await the Future in another Future
def myFuture42 = *[Future] { !Await(myFuture40) + 2 }
A Future can be converted to a domains.task.Task with the help of Await.
import import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.Await val myTask = Task { !Await(myFuture42) }
Then a domains.task.Task can be converted back to a scala.concurrent.Future via domains.task.Task.toFuture.
val myAssertionTask = Task { !Shift(myTask) should be(42) } Task.toFuture(myAssertionTask)
can be used together withtry
.import scala.concurrent.Future import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset, reset._ val buffer = new StringBuffer def recoverFuture = Future { buffer.append("Oh") } def exceptionalFuture = Future[StringBuffer] { throw new IllegalStateException("No") } def myFuture = *[Future] { try { !Await(exceptionalFuture) } catch { case e: IllegalStateException => !Await(recoverFuture) buffer.append(' ') buffer.append(e.getMessage) } finally { buffer.append("!") } } should be("Oh No!"))
Other keywords, including Return or Get, can be used together with Await
import scala.concurrent.Future import com.thoughtworks.dsl.keywords.{Get, Return} import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset, reset._ val buffer = new StringBuffer def recoverFuture = Future { buffer.append("Oh") } def exceptionalFuture = Future[StringBuffer] { throw new IllegalStateException("No") } def myFuture = reset[Char => Future[StringBuffer]](!Return { try { !Await(exceptionalFuture) } catch { case e: IllegalStateException => !Await(recoverFuture) buffer.append(!Get[Char]) buffer.append(e.getMessage) } finally { buffer.append("!") } }) myFuture(' ').map(_.toString should be("Oh No!"))
Iterates though each element in elements.
Iterates though each element in elements.
- Authors
杨博 (Yang Bo)
- See also
Dsl.For if you want to use traditional
comprehension instead of !-notation.- Example
Each keywords can be used to calculate cartesian product.
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset, reset._ def cartesianProduct = reset (List(!Each(Array(1, 2, 3)) * !Each(Vector(1, 10, 100, 1000)))) cartesianProduct should be(List(1, 10, 100, 1000, 2, 20, 200, 2000, 3, 30, 300, 3000))
A keyword for extracting monadic value from the monadic expression fa.
A keyword for extracting monadic value from the monadic expression fa.
- See also for using this Monadic keyword with cats.Monad. for using this Monadic keyword with scalaz.Monad.
- Todo
Monadic should be a scala.AnyVal after is resolved.
Put is a Keyword to replace the value of the current context.
Put is a Keyword to replace the value of the current context.
Purely functional programming languages usually do not support native first-class mutable variables. In those languages, mutable states can be implemented in state monads.
Put and Get are the Dsl-based replacements of state monads.
We use unary function as the domain of mutable state. The parameter of the unary function can be read from the Get keyword, and changed by the Put keyword.
- Authors
杨博 (Yang Bo)
- See also
- Example
The following example creates a function that accepts a string parameter and returns the upper-cased last character of the parameter.
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset def upperCasedLastCharacter = reset[String => Char] { val initialValue = !Get[String] !Put(initialValue.toUpperCase) val upperCased = !Get[String] Function.const(upperCased.last) }
For example, given a string of
, the upper-cased last character should beO
.upperCasedLastCharacter("foo") should be('O')
Put and Get support multiple states. The following code creates a formatter that Put parts of content into a
of string buffers.import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset def formatter = reset[Double => Int => Vector[Any] => String] { !Put(!Get[Vector[Any]] :+ "x=") !Put(!Get[Vector[Any]] :+ !Get[Double]) !Put(!Get[Vector[Any]] :+ ",y=") !Put(!Get[Vector[Any]] :+ !Get[Int]) !Return((!Get[Vector[Any]]).mkString) } formatter(0.5)(42)(Vector.empty) should be("x=0.5,y=42")
A Dsl.Keyword to early return a lifted value from the enclosing function.
A Dsl.Keyword to early return a lifted value from the enclosing function.
- Authors
杨博 (Yang Bo)
This Using keyword automatically manage resources in
scala.concurrent.Future, domains.task.Task, and other asynchronous
domains derived from Future
or Task
- Authors
杨博 (Yang Bo)
- See also
comprehension if you want to use traditional
comprehension instead of !-notation.- Example
keyword must be put inside a function that returnsSeq[Element]
orSeq[Element] !! ...
, or it will not compile.import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset, reset._ "def f(): Int = !Yield(1)" shouldNot compile
Yield keywords can be used together with other keywords.
import com.thoughtworks.dsl.reset, reset._ def gccFlagBuilder(sourceFile: String, includes: String*) = reset[Stream[String]] { !Yield("gcc") !Yield("-c") !Yield(sourceFile) val include = !Each(includes) !Yield("-I") !Yield(include) Stream.empty } gccFlagBuilder("main.c", "lib1/include", "lib2/include") should be(Stream("gcc", "-c", "main.c", "-I", "lib1/include", "-I", "lib2/include"))