Package com.thoughtworks.gauge

Interface Summary
ClassInitializer Interface to provide a Custom Class Initializer for managing Class Objects

Class Summary
ClassInstanceManager Manages class instance creation, lifetime and caching
ExecutionContext Gives the information about the current execution at runtime - spec, scenario, step that is running.
GaugeRuntime Holds Main for starting Gauge-java 1.
Scenario Holds the information about the current Scenario executing at Runtime
Specification Holds the information about the current Specification executing at Runtime
StepDetails Holds the information about the current Step executing at Runtime
Table Custom Table structure used as parameter in steps
TableRow Represents a Row of Data in a Table.

Enum Summary
Operator Operator for performing Tag aggregation mechanism in Execution Hooks

Exception Summary

Annotation Types Summary
AfterClassSteps Methods annotated with this will be executed after every step in that particular class executes.
AfterScenario Methods annotated with this execute after every scenario execution completes.
AfterSpec Methods annotated with this execute after every Specification execution completes.
AfterStep Methods annotated with this execute after every Step execution completes.
AfterSuite Methods annotated with this execute after the entire suite (all specs) execution completes.
BeforeClassSteps Methods annotated with this will be executed before every step in that particular class executes.
BeforeScenario Methods annotated with this execute before every scenario execution completes.
BeforeSpec Methods annotated with this execute before every Specification execution completes.
BeforeStep Methods annotated with this execute before every Step execution completes.
BeforeSuite Methods annotated with this execute before the entire suite (all specs) execution completes.
Step Annotation added to methods which are Gauge Step implementations

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