Annotation Type NotImplementedYet

Deprecated. use Pending instead

public @interface NotImplementedYet

Marks methods of step definitions as not implemented yet. Such steps will not be executed, but will appear in the report as not implemented yet.

This is useful if one already wants to define the scenario without already implementing all steps, for example, to verify that all acceptance criteria of a story are covered by the scenario.

Annotating a stage class indicates that no step is implemented yet.

Finally, a test method can be annotated to indicate that the whole test is not implemented yet. The test will then be ignored by the testing-framework. (In fact an AssumptionException is thrown. It depends on the test runner how this is interpreted) Currently only works for JUnit


 public void my_cool_new_feature() {


Optional Element Summary
 boolean executeSteps
          Deprecated. Instead of only reporting not implemented yet steps, the steps are actually executed.
 boolean failIfPass
          Deprecated. If no step fails during the execution of the test, the test will fail.
 java.lang.String value
          Deprecated. Optional description to describe when the implementation will be done.


public abstract java.lang.String value
Optional description to describe when the implementation will be done.



public abstract boolean executeSteps
Instead of only reporting not implemented yet steps, the steps are actually executed. This is useful to see whether some steps fail, for example. Failing steps, however, have no influence on the overall test result.



public abstract boolean failIfPass
If no step fails during the execution of the test, the test will fail.

This makes sense if one ensures that a not implemented feature always leads to failing tests in the spirit of test-driven development.

If this is true, the executeSteps attribute is implicitly true.
