Package com.tngtech.jgiven.annotation

Interface Summary
TagDescriptionGenerator Is used as an attribute of the IsTag annotation to dynamically generate a description for an annotation depending on its value.

Class Summary
DefaultTagDescriptionGenerator A default implementation of TagDescriptionGenerator.

Enum Summary

Annotation Types Summary
AfterScenario Marks methods to be executed after the whole Scenario has been executed.
AfterStage Marks methods to be executed after a stage has been executed.
AnnotationFormat Allows arguments of step methods to be formatted with an AnnotationArgumentFormatter.
As This annotation can be used to override the default representation for a step method or test method in the report.
BeforeScenario Marks methods to be executed before the whole Scenario has been executed.
BeforeStage Marks methods to be executed before a stage is executed, i.e.
Description This annotation can be used to give a test class a description.
DoNotIntercept Methods of stages classes annotated with this annotation will not be intercepted by JGiven.
ExpectedScenarioState Marks fields to be expected by a scenario stage.
ExtendedDescription This annotation can be used to define an extended description for a step method or a test method.
Format Allows arguments of step methods to be formatted with an ArgumentFormatter.
Formatf A special format annotation that uses the formatting known from the String.format method.
Hidden Annotates elements that should be hidden in reports.
IntroWord Marks a method as an introduction word of a step.
IsTag Marks an annotation to be used as a tag in JGiven reports.
NotImplementedYet Deprecated. use Pending instead
Pending Marks methods of step definitions as not implemented yet.
ProvidedScenarioState Marks fields to be provided by a scenario stage.
Quoted Step parameters annotated with this annotation will be put into quotes (" ") in reports.
ScenarioRule Marks fields to be Scenario rules.
ScenarioStage Marks fields to be stage instances This is useful to reuse stages within stages.
ScenarioState Marks fields to be read and/or written by a scenario stage.
Table Marks the parameter of a step method as a data table.