Class Message

    • Method Detail

      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             PhoneNumber to,
                                             PhoneNumber from,
                                             String body)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that will create the resource
        to - The destination phone number
        from - The phone number that initiated the message
        body - The text of the message you want to send. Can be up to 1,600 characters in length.
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(PhoneNumber to,
                                             PhoneNumber from,
                                             String body)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        to - The destination phone number
        from - The phone number that initiated the message
        body - The text of the message you want to send. Can be up to 1,600 characters in length.
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             PhoneNumber to,
                                             PhoneNumber from,
                                             List<URI> mediaUrl)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that will create the resource
        to - The destination phone number
        from - The phone number that initiated the message
        mediaUrl - The URL of the media to send with the message
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(PhoneNumber to,
                                             PhoneNumber from,
                                             List<URI> mediaUrl)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        to - The destination phone number
        from - The phone number that initiated the message
        mediaUrl - The URL of the media to send with the message
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             PhoneNumber to,
                                             String messagingServiceSid,
                                             String body)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that will create the resource
        to - The destination phone number
        messagingServiceSid - The SID of the Messaging Service you want to associate with the message.
        body - The text of the message you want to send. Can be up to 1,600 characters in length.
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(PhoneNumber to,
                                             String messagingServiceSid,
                                             String body)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        to - The destination phone number
        messagingServiceSid - The SID of the Messaging Service you want to associate with the message.
        body - The text of the message you want to send. Can be up to 1,600 characters in length.
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             PhoneNumber to,
                                             String messagingServiceSid,
                                             List<URI> mediaUrl)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that will create the resource
        to - The destination phone number
        messagingServiceSid - The SID of the Messaging Service you want to associate with the message.
        mediaUrl - The URL of the media to send with the message
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static MessageCreator creator​(PhoneNumber to,
                                             String messagingServiceSid,
                                             List<URI> mediaUrl)
        Create a MessageCreator to execute create.
        to - The destination phone number
        messagingServiceSid - The SID of the Messaging Service you want to associate with the message.
        mediaUrl - The URL of the media to send with the message
        MessageCreator capable of executing the create
      • deleter

        public static MessageDeleter deleter​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             String pathSid)
        Create a MessageDeleter to execute delete.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that created the resources to delete
        pathSid - The unique string that identifies the resource
        MessageDeleter capable of executing the delete
      • deleter

        public static MessageDeleter deleter​(String pathSid)
        Create a MessageDeleter to execute delete.
        pathSid - The unique string that identifies the resource
        MessageDeleter capable of executing the delete
      • fetcher

        public static MessageFetcher fetcher​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             String pathSid)
        Create a MessageFetcher to execute fetch.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that created the resource to fetch
        pathSid - The unique string that identifies the resource
        MessageFetcher capable of executing the fetch
      • fetcher

        public static MessageFetcher fetcher​(String pathSid)
        Create a MessageFetcher to execute fetch.
        pathSid - The unique string that identifies the resource
        MessageFetcher capable of executing the fetch
      • reader

        public static MessageReader reader​(String pathAccountSid)
        Create a MessageReader to execute read.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that created the resources to read
        MessageReader capable of executing the read
      • reader

        public static MessageReader reader()
        Create a MessageReader to execute read.
        MessageReader capable of executing the read
      • updater

        public static MessageUpdater updater​(String pathAccountSid,
                                             String pathSid,
                                             String body)
        Create a MessageUpdater to execute update.
        pathAccountSid - The SID of the Account that created the resources to update
        pathSid - The unique string that identifies the resource
        body - The text of the message you want to send
        MessageUpdater capable of executing the update
      • updater

        public static MessageUpdater updater​(String pathSid,
                                             String body)
        Create a MessageUpdater to execute update.
        pathSid - The unique string that identifies the resource
        body - The text of the message you want to send
        MessageUpdater capable of executing the update
      • fromJson

        public static Message fromJson​(String json,
                                       com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Converts a JSON String into a Message object using the provided ObjectMapper.
        json - Raw JSON String
        objectMapper - Jackson ObjectMapper
        Message object represented by the provided JSON
      • fromJson

        public static Message fromJson​(InputStream json,
                                       com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Converts a JSON InputStream into a Message object using the provided ObjectMapper.
        json - Raw JSON InputStream
        objectMapper - Jackson ObjectMapper
        Message object represented by the provided JSON
      • getAccountSid

        public final String getAccountSid()
        Returns The The SID of the Account that created the resource.
        The SID of the Account that created the resource
      • getApiVersion

        public final String getApiVersion()
        Returns The The API version used to process the message.
        The API version used to process the message
      • getBody

        public final String getBody()
        Returns The The message text.
        The message text
      • getDateCreated

        public final org.joda.time.DateTime getDateCreated()
        Returns The The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was created.
        The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was created
      • getDateUpdated

        public final org.joda.time.DateTime getDateUpdated()
        Returns The The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was last updated.
        The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was last updated
      • getDateSent

        public final org.joda.time.DateTime getDateSent()
        Returns The The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT when the message was sent.
        The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT when the message was sent
      • getDirection

        public final Message.Direction getDirection()
        Returns The The direction of the message.
        The direction of the message
      • getErrorCode

        public final Integer getErrorCode()
        Returns The The error code associated with the message.
        The error code associated with the message
      • getErrorMessage

        public final String getErrorMessage()
        Returns The The description of the error_code.
        The description of the error_code
      • getFrom

        public final PhoneNumber getFrom()
        Returns The The phone number that initiated the message.
        The phone number that initiated the message
      • getMessagingServiceSid

        public final String getMessagingServiceSid()
        Returns The The SID of the Messaging Service used with the message..
        The SID of the Messaging Service used with the message.
      • getNumMedia

        public final String getNumMedia()
        Returns The The number of media files associated with the message.
        The number of media files associated with the message
      • getNumSegments

        public final String getNumSegments()
        Returns The The number of messages used to deliver the message body.
        The number of messages used to deliver the message body
      • getPrice

        public final String getPrice()
        Returns The The amount billed for the message.
        The amount billed for the message
      • getPriceUnit

        public final Currency getPriceUnit()
        Returns The The currency in which price is measured.
        The currency in which price is measured
      • getSid

        public final String getSid()
        Returns The The unique string that identifies the resource.
        The unique string that identifies the resource
      • getStatus

        public final Message.Status getStatus()
        Returns The The status of the message.
        The status of the message
      • getSubresourceUris

        public final Map<String,​String> getSubresourceUris()
        Returns The A list of related resources identified by their relative URIs.
        A list of related resources identified by their relative URIs
      • getTo

        public final String getTo()
        Returns The The phone number that received the message.
        The phone number that received the message
      • getUri

        public final String getUri()
        Returns The The URI of the resource, relative to ``.
        The URI of the resource, relative to ``
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object