Class Credential

    • Method Detail

      • reader

        public static CredentialReader reader​(String pathAccountSid,
                                              String pathCredentialListSid)
        Create a CredentialReader to execute read.
        pathAccountSid - The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that contains the desired credentials
        CredentialReader capable of executing the read
      • reader

        public static CredentialReader reader​(String pathCredentialListSid)
        Create a CredentialReader to execute read.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that contains the desired credentials
        CredentialReader capable of executing the read
      • creator

        public static CredentialCreator creator​(String pathAccountSid,
                                                String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String username,
                                                String password)
        Create a CredentialCreator to execute create.
        pathAccountSid - The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list to include the created credential
        username - The username for this credential.
        password - The password will not be returned in the response.
        CredentialCreator capable of executing the create
      • creator

        public static CredentialCreator creator​(String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String username,
                                                String password)
        Create a CredentialCreator to execute create.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list to include the created credential
        username - The username for this credential.
        password - The password will not be returned in the response.
        CredentialCreator capable of executing the create
      • fetcher

        public static CredentialFetcher fetcher​(String pathAccountSid,
                                                String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String pathSid)
        Create a CredentialFetcher to execute fetch.
        pathAccountSid - The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that contains the desired credential
        pathSid - The unique id that identifies the resource to fetch.
        CredentialFetcher capable of executing the fetch
      • fetcher

        public static CredentialFetcher fetcher​(String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String pathSid)
        Create a CredentialFetcher to execute fetch.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that contains the desired credential
        pathSid - The unique id that identifies the resource to fetch.
        CredentialFetcher capable of executing the fetch
      • updater

        public static CredentialUpdater updater​(String pathAccountSid,
                                                String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String pathSid)
        Create a CredentialUpdater to execute update.
        pathAccountSid - The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that includes this credential
        pathSid - The unique id that identifies the resource to update
        CredentialUpdater capable of executing the update
      • updater

        public static CredentialUpdater updater​(String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String pathSid)
        Create a CredentialUpdater to execute update.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that includes this credential
        pathSid - The unique id that identifies the resource to update
        CredentialUpdater capable of executing the update
      • deleter

        public static CredentialDeleter deleter​(String pathAccountSid,
                                                String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String pathSid)
        Create a CredentialDeleter to execute delete.
        pathAccountSid - The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that contains the desired credentials
        pathSid - The unique id that identifies the resource to delete
        CredentialDeleter capable of executing the delete
      • deleter

        public static CredentialDeleter deleter​(String pathCredentialListSid,
                                                String pathSid)
        Create a CredentialDeleter to execute delete.
        pathCredentialListSid - The unique id that identifies the credential list that contains the desired credentials
        pathSid - The unique id that identifies the resource to delete
        CredentialDeleter capable of executing the delete
      • fromJson

        public static Credential fromJson​(String json,
                                          com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Converts a JSON String into a Credential object using the provided ObjectMapper.
        json - Raw JSON String
        objectMapper - Jackson ObjectMapper
        Credential object represented by the provided JSON
      • fromJson

        public static Credential fromJson​(InputStream json,
                                          com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Converts a JSON InputStream into a Credential object using the provided ObjectMapper.
        json - Raw JSON InputStream
        objectMapper - Jackson ObjectMapper
        Credential object represented by the provided JSON
      • getSid

        public final String getSid()
        Returns The A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource..
        A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.
      • getAccountSid

        public final String getAccountSid()
        Returns The The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource..
        The unique id of the Account that is responsible for this resource.
      • getCredentialListSid

        public final String getCredentialListSid()
        Returns The The unique id that identifies the credential list that includes this credential.
        The unique id that identifies the credential list that includes this credential
      • getUsername

        public final String getUsername()
        Returns The The username for this credential..
        The username for this credential.
      • getDateCreated

        public final org.joda.time.DateTime getDateCreated()
        Returns The The date that this resource was created, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format..
        The date that this resource was created, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format.
      • getDateUpdated

        public final org.joda.time.DateTime getDateUpdated()
        Returns The The date that this resource was last updated, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format..
        The date that this resource was last updated, given as GMT in RFC 2822 format.
      • getUri

        public final String getUri()
        Returns The The URI for this resource, relative to
        The URI for this resource, relative to
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object