Class TaskStatistics

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TaskStatistics
    extends Resource
    PLEASE NOTE that this class contains preview products that are subject to change. Use them with caution. If you currently do not have developer preview access, please contact [email protected].
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • fetcher

        public static TaskStatisticsFetcher fetcher​(String pathAssistantSid,
                                                    String pathTaskSid)
        Create a TaskStatisticsFetcher to execute fetch.
        pathAssistantSid - The SID of the Assistant that is the parent of the resource to fetch
        pathTaskSid - The SID of the Task that is associated with the resource to fetch
        TaskStatisticsFetcher capable of executing the fetch
      • fromJson

        public static TaskStatistics fromJson​(String json,
                                              com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Converts a JSON String into a TaskStatistics object using the provided ObjectMapper.
        json - Raw JSON String
        objectMapper - Jackson ObjectMapper
        TaskStatistics object represented by the provided JSON
      • fromJson

        public static TaskStatistics fromJson​(InputStream json,
                                              com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper objectMapper)
        Converts a JSON InputStream into a TaskStatistics object using the provided ObjectMapper.
        json - Raw JSON InputStream
        objectMapper - Jackson ObjectMapper
        TaskStatistics object represented by the provided JSON
      • getAccountSid

        public final String getAccountSid()
        Returns The The SID of the Account that created the resource.
        The SID of the Account that created the resource
      • getAssistantSid

        public final String getAssistantSid()
        Returns The The SID of the Assistant that is the parent of the Task associated with the resource.
        The SID of the Assistant that is the parent of the Task associated with the resource
      • getTaskSid

        public final String getTaskSid()
        Returns The The SID of the Task for which the statistics were collected.
        The SID of the Task for which the statistics were collected
      • getSamplesCount

        public final Integer getSamplesCount()
        Returns The The total number of Samples associated with the Task.
        The total number of Samples associated with the Task
      • getFieldsCount

        public final Integer getFieldsCount()
        Returns The The total number of Fields associated with the Task.
        The total number of Fields associated with the Task
      • getUrl

        public final URI getUrl()
        Returns The The absolute URL of the TaskStatistics resource.
        The absolute URL of the TaskStatistics resource
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object