Class ActivityCreator

    • Constructor Detail

      • ActivityCreator

        public ActivityCreator​(String pathWorkspaceSid,
                               String friendlyName)
        Construct a new ActivityCreator.
        pathWorkspaceSid - The workspace_sid
        friendlyName - A human-readable name for the Activity, such as 'On Call', 'Break', 'Email', etc.
    • Method Detail

      • setAvailable

        public ActivityCreator setAvailable​(Boolean available)
        Boolean value indicating whether the worker should be eligible to receive a Task when they occupy this Activity. For example, a call center might have an activity named 'On Call' with an availability set to 'false'. Note: This can be 'true', '1' or 'yes' to indicate a true value. All other values will represent false. Defaults to false..
        available - Boolean value indicating whether the worker should be eligible to receive a Task when they occupy this Activity.
      • create

        public Activity create​(TwilioRestClient client)
        Make the request to the Twilio API to perform the create.
        Specified by:
        create in class Creator<Activity>
        client - TwilioRestClient with which to make the request
        Created Activity