All Classes and Interfaces

Calcite implementation layer that represents a result set of a scan.
A simple "case" class / POJO to help with code generation in KuduToEnumerableConverter.
A CalciteKuduTable is responsible for returning rows of Objects back.
Implementation of Queryable based on a CalciteKuduTable.
A Plain Java Object that represents a Projected response from Kudu RPCs.
Message object represents a Message from an active scanner.
An Enumerable that can be cloned with additional conjunctions.
An implementation of CalciteKuduPredicate that creates comparison KuduPredicate KuduPredicate.newComparisonPredicate(ColumnSchema, org.apache.kudu.client.KuduPredicate.ComparisonOp, Object)
Generate rows using the row counts of a cube grouped by its primary keys.
Used to calculate aggregated values and upsert rows to the kudu cube tables
An implementation of CalciteKuduPredicate that creates an IN LIST predicate to KuduEnumerable KuduPredicate.newInListPredicate(ColumnSchema, List)
Rule to match a limit over a sort over aggregation.
Factory that uses CalciteJdbc41Factory as a delegate so that we can create our own KuduCalciteConnectionImpl that exposes KuduMetaImpl
Customized driver so that we can use our own meta implementation
An Enumerable that *can* returns Kudu records in Ascending order on their primary key.
KuduMaterializedViewAggregateRule<C extends org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.materialize.MaterializedViewAggregateRule.Config>
Materialized view rewriting for aggregate.
Rule configuration.
KuduMaterializedViewRule<C extends org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.materialize.MaterializedViewRule.Config>
Planner rule that converts a Project followed by Aggregate or an Aggregate to a scan (and possibly other operations) over a materialized view.
Rule configuration.
Edge for graph.
Class representing an equivalence class, i.e., a set of equivalent columns
Complete, view partial, or query partial.
Expression lineage details.
View partitioning result.
Builtin methods in the KuduDB adapter.
Implements a join algorithm between two KuduToEnumerableRel objects using EnumerableDefaults.correlateBatchJoin(JoinType, Enumerable, Function1, Function2, Predicate2, int)
A partially implemented implementation of PhysType.
KuduPredicatePushDownVisitor returns a List of a List of CalciteKuduPredicates.
Used to transform projections of a LogicalProject to use the output of a KuduProjectRel
Relational expression representing a scan of a KuduTable
A relational expression that represents a Kudu convention This will be used by the KuduToEnumerableConverter to translate into a Blocks.
Implementor is a container to hold information required to execute a query or update to kudu.
A single KuduScanStats object is created per query that is executed and is accessed from all the ScannerCallbacks created for each scanner as well as the KuduEnumerable.
Rule that matches a sort over an aggregation with both sort and aggregation using the same columns.
Two Sort Rules that look to push the Sort into the Kudu RPC.
Searches RexNode to see if the Kudu column index -- stored as KuduSortRule.KuduFilterVisitor.mustHave is present in the RexNode and is required.
Rule to match a Sort above Filter and it is above KuduQuery.
Rule to match a Sort above KuduQuery.
Rule to convert a relational expression from KuduRelNode.CONVENTION to EnumerableConvention.
NestedJoinFactory is an implementation of Function1 that returns an Enumerable for the Right hand side of a nested join.
An implementation of CalciteKuduPredicate that pushes down both NOT NULL and IS NULL to Kudu.
Used to paginate through rows in the order of the primary key columns by comparing row expressions with a greater than operator If the the PK of the table is (A asc, B asc, C asc) (A, B, C) > ('a1', 'b1', * 'c1') is transformed to (A > 'a1') OR ((A = 'a1') AND (B > 'b1')) OR ((A = 'a1') AND (B = 'b1') AND (C > 'c1')) If the the PK of the table is (A asc, B desc, C asc) (A, B, C) > ('a1', 'b1', 'c1') is transformed to (A > 'a1') OR ((A = 'a1') AND (B < 'b1')) OR ((A = 'a1') AND (B = 'b1') AND (C > 'c1')) This implementation is different from the SQL-92 standard see
Scanner Callback that produces CalciteScannerMessage into a BlockingQueue.
Metric information for a single kudu scanner
Generates a timestamp randomly between [numDaysAgo, now())
Computes the conjunction based on the join condition